1'LAiEiTdTN(r COIi9i~.4ISS.T.ON
<br />V7L1,AG'1~ O7? 7,I7!'.I!hh Ck)IZ~]lA
<br />The' P1=nnin~ C~rnrni.::si.c>n ,f tho Ui11L£;o :af Lii;tlo C:r~n~a <z hF~,_c1
<br />meotin~* on the 131;h dozy eS ~7uno 196£3 :a.t 'r:'30 P.P+I. :a,t 4A0 I',i~tt7_o
<br />C.~n~a.dta Itd., in said V~illa.~e.
<br />7' ho .f c~'Ll~vei.n.:2 momhors were: prr e o~iz :
<br />brig 1)e l;~a,co ~?ct chi arrr~n
<br />Ivir .ftr~d~i
<br />PAr Oesta
<br />tar_ 'l~hema
<br />'1'tizo mooti_i?1; w:~s ca11F~d t© ~~rdex• by 1~dlr ll0 73~.ce
<br />T}~~; Iirs+ re;I~ae,>'t caas ~,';~~.t of ivlr wC ~'~;rs ;Uri^.n~ oS' ?_~ So,F~si; Ov;r3.s~ I;lv
<br />~~}7~ I~I~.r1fl713.~.ci ~e't 1tl.. <.11 trig pl. n7.rLla rlt; ~(: ~'r11't 1.S9i G>n "I;n I'e 29i1C the lr
<br />pr©);~orty fr~nr i2-1 ( .re;sidr;n:t_i_;~l) t4~ ~C,-S { hil;ht Irr{txstri~,7.)
<br />'~~'no loi i .~r. aaf intontian ,>i tl:e• ;rl~riana st~a.te~: t~Y~at; ho
<br />intend;r to to bu?.7.d ~ ~~~'•nF,m 40x80 tE3 t~, stc~.r.e ti°ue~ks ~_nd trailors
<br />~wnoa end epor_r~tod by Iy~r iVl~,ri.zn~ PJir LVIar.'i~,n is ~, privsto over-
<br />l~nd i;ruckor.
<br />~Pho pr®perty .is sa ,~f O~arzs ,:a 731vd. I~, e~f tY;o ;<loin Pr pomp
<br />P` ®f the ~JIN 14~~,'~ P.I N. :53-0!16{)-100-;i~)
<br />ink; q~;"rnt~.>> .n >c~zs~,e:r? the pr€zp~s„zl
<br />It is n~tod tha~'t the I+;ar,,a.na pry,^prty 1s abtzttine; t,~ tho :lorl;h and
<br />4Vo.>t Industri.~1 z~n.cd pro-.erty, a~i.nd to the S~zzth s.nd ~tno L~~;,t
<br />r.osidential zenod proporty.
<br />In ardor to crests ~ puffer zflno The pl~!nn'in~; cc~z?rmir,si~n
<br />~ksod the vi].1~.I;o ds~ cs~nsi.d.er. tho roz,~ni.ng of the I!lein Yr®pert,y
<br />to I?-3
<br />~QPO)V~ `CIII~ teiO!pIt,N OP ~'~itt1 11Of?'I'ON ~Tv:U S pCONI7I~;D :HY 9'H0~9A,
<br />9.'ill~ f'1,A~lthdIN1 CUIi1~II£ 37:')N It1~)COP4,4P7)I)S TO 9`7f1~1 COIrrr1~I1, g•0
<br />'I'0 Pt,/C"?1': Tftb: T{1 ]r~ !'!i0I'1R'TY 1vTf.) O~P L.AliOi~I: ]3~D, l~, !):I~, '~I'IiE 7~0 T, 7:PIls
<br />i3}3 Alvla Vv' Ok' ~.P.I{e; 'ut'~!d I;~'~'
<br />r~zr)-~r~ R-1 tc R-3.
<br />AYES AL7:, .
<br />TriT PLA~'i~1ING r 07ii~;',L'SSION Nr.71",:I;n~02' l~~Kl? A TZ~ ('0197 AzzS'iOiy' Jl\T !~_'ITI
<br />iVlh,7{1~'LA Yl{01'O:ilaL iINTIL `PHI: KLTlIV` Pt2POrlf~'Y ~R1lOirttTr I{\;:i '?R:EI~t HI;T,1).
<br />A PdR. FI`,IIhR 9f 293?_ Contc~rvzl_i.o rd. rFgvosl.~' a surcZual zz:>e permit
<br />to constr.zc't at v3rehcj,se ~n 2~s3?_ ~ent~=,rvilLc rd fc~r trzz;ago o_f.
<br />trucks ~.nd equipnont fer. mas~n~a.ry buisnes.,. '1'Izc 1?ta.r_ ,r,e ~;i7.7. he
<br />4~ 0x£;0 ,
<br />.'sir Do ~~co infermod. "`r• Fisher 'th?.t ho will h3vo to prosont to tho cler
<br />~ lotto.r. ~f intPni;i.~?n, ~ titlo ~r <3bstr?c{; ~F titio ~f :r,11 tho prop
<br />or,ty 21)07°t in r ditz: oaf tho property ~f;rz ~bo ro»ncd. end a foo ~a:~' t~~?5. )
<br />ON A ~i:PF,Ga'.A7~ II.>]~; T']}ii7'1' TI?7b Iii':i~3.1T~G I. ~'i?GD 1~Y TiT1+. PL~~1?•~7~rG !:!)~ '"~:.`i~C f
<br />1+'OI2 'I'lIl~; l~i]':Cl>tikD 1'riR L01!'I?GAliD1+aPI !.'AS .HT '1'1[L. P~l° 9'ING 'i{) 1)IS:iIIiI T.~III~;
<br />