rrrz~i,arxe: o~~ z~z~"t'~r,r; chr~i ~7)it
<br />Y~r~t~.r~rav ~t~r, c,o~~m~,,,z.~~s~_o~J
<br />`.L'he ~'1ann._incm Con~rni_~~ir)n o:f the Vil:i~r;e of ];it;i;le G;tn<a,rlra held
<br />~, xeUrzlra.r .~eet9_nf; on the 131;h of ~Fel~)rra~ry, 1969, ~1; 4~0 :L:'tttl_e Cnn-.
<br />ad<r, ho,id i_n ~~s,:i_d_ v:i~L1.~.,re ~t 8:00 Y.idl.
<br />`l'he j'oll.orain~; *xe^r7>ers vrere prcaent
<br />1)e 3r>ce, C~>st~., `I'hos~ast, ]+'asci.<xna, Jioss, S3ou?ri_e, 12ozze.>
<br />1'tbsc:nt: IZi_ed, '''orton, I~'orbes, ?t~ada.<
<br />Ch.3,ir.?~~.n presented ~~n ~14en`1ec? bui iclin„ or~in~nee ;+,~G9 rzrr<i ~riencieci.
<br />c.oni_n.~; ~)rc'iramznce ii70 :Eor s'tud.;y ~.nd recor~rrnd~ti.on. Ch~.'iri~aa.n su~-
<br />,re.~ted t?zm,t r•e rev i_err rand stud;j these a.nr! Y)e prepr-,.red. to r:aa.l~e
<br />reco~~rr+~.ndsa,t~~.ons ?t next r~eetin~;.
<br />1"!r Laf-r~.rtener presented the p:ropos<.l. of Five-;~t;a,r r.YOb_i_1e
<br />kxor~e, to rezone 1'ro;rr R-1 to (.ener~.1 Business ( 'B-2) r;'ii;h required
<br />spcciral. use per~u;t. 7"nts v~;Fes con.tiruxed to the ~r)ecis?7 °:)eetinp; a,t
<br />r+cn.i.c}r t;_r~xe 111r, L~ftrrtenor r~.~reect to present r~, plot plra.n >l1.ov~inr;
<br />ol~nti.n.a :area.
<br />stir. (; 7:>'(;r3 ( ??. 1..Ted t{~O '1C'8t l_J1~?~ r9hi l( i:'1:C. ii (; 13£+.Ce T)T e.>en't ~;d 'tlle
<br />Antler. p:ro!~)o:>a7, on. the ),Lein pro~pertq. }tezon.in~~; fror•~ p;enc~>.xrr~.i. busi-
<br />nes,r to l.i,rht industry. :i3uilc3in~; to he used fo:r F•sr.ehousi.nt or
<br />o:('f i.ce snta.ce ra,nri l .n;Prt a :>e~"7)lc~ ~;orlc.. ,r.11 a.s.>ernY>7.y r,~o:rtr i;o he
<br />none r~ith i;he hu i.1d i_n~;.
<br />;!~;ot:ion h`/ ;tor. '.i!hor~tca. to continuo r?.1; ne?:t ;c~eetinc:; ',,=hen extr~et
<br />is co'i?~leted. ~!he ;^otxon r~r~.s seconded b~~ JUir•. 13out~;ie. A7.1 ra.;,res.
<br />G:1_e~ on. tlnra,rtwent sii;e
<br />~t~ezone ~;rocx) {~;ener~.l_ l~)i>tr~css to R--3. -the ~rYOtion va~.s seconded
<br />h`I klr. I'asci~.n~. A.7.7_ a;~ese
<br />("x £1, r S lr~r
<br />!i'a,b1.ed 1'o:r• 7_etter of entent :?.nd .r_equir.ed ~+rr>rrinfrs.
<br />~t(zi.)h'~): '':~q ''10~^ ;+, .3 T)-G1P1. ':L('e't;1.n(" Or1 ti]F' 1'].rEit `~'.hUr~Cif'it Of
<br />