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rsJ:wtrrhs ol~' Tlu~; r,rrer111r, <br />ol!' 'ri1>; PLANIy11QG corsr!lsszorl or <br />'1"11L v1LZ,nel, oJ'' L1Tr.1.,h cnl:,nnn. <br />9.'he regular meeting, of the Planning Commission of the Vi1.7.age o;: Little <br />Canada t,~as he1<i on the 26"' day o9: August: 1971 at 8;00 o'c7.ocl: I?„Pi„ a4: 440 Li.ti:7.e <br />Canada Rdn in said Village„ <br />The £o11ot~Y:ing members were presents <br />ltessras Peter Cotata, chai.a:rnan <br />i,a.r1 hossez, vice-chairman <br />Richaa:d Doss IlI9 Jofixx 'C;adi'ord9 Jiugen.e T'asciana4 Al Muel.lerg <br />J':tm Vil.lQaux~ Donald t:aday RonaJ.d 131omquist.. <br />'J'he Pollorairxt; memberes Isere absents <br />l~tessa:s .7oe 'Chomag :~a1ph Naa:dani. <br /> presents C1eyton Parks9 Village attorney. <br />fiscal Disparity <.:1ayL-on Pa;:ksp the V:il.J.age attorney e;cpla.ined the <br />Pi.1l 1?i.scal Disparity I1i1.1z <br />'ihe arbove 13111 ;ass intea:preted by Claytoaa Parks§ and <br />t-!;e Gomrnissio'n membe;:s had an opportr.[nity to ask questions <br />artcl discuss® The members agreed L-hat the Planning Com~- <br />naissmon does no_t i'avor the encroacPrment of metropolitan <br />goveacnmen.C and requests the Vi11a;e Council. to act i.n a <br />mtt.nuer that lai.l.l maiut-aixa and reta:i.n 7.oca1 coxatroJ. o <br />local. government. <br />Land Use A4ap Upon the motion o£ iKra Rad ord and seconded by I1r, <br />D4ue11ery the Pollow:ing recormnendati.on lags a.pprovc~xd; <br />9'lu: planning Gonnnissioxt does hereby reconunend thrtt <br />the Land Ilse Ptap removed the Planned Unit llevc^.l.o;';- <br />ment. (:crom the Lana Ui;e Piap) and cross voted upon 2.;ad accel;t--. <br />ed icy the Planning Comm§.ssi.on aa`ter voting on i.ndividuaJ. <br />areas be accept-ecl by the Village Council as a guide fo;: '. <br />ftrture planni[:[g, <br />Ayes ally motion carr.ir_d. <br />Capii:ol 7mpa:ovement It was pointed out L-hat ilo action has been taken by t,hcz <br />Committee Village CouneJ.l on i:he Capitol Improvement <br />ConuniL'the® The commitaee chairman is re<ruest:ed to call. a <br /> JSO make this cormnittee of ecL-i_vem <br />L;fiectiveness oL 7a was disclosed that there is a lack of cotn[nunicati.ons <br />PL:uuxing commission betweenthe Village Cotancil and Planning Commission members, <br />l'3e[nhers Lir. P..etda suggested that tyre Plannang Colrnn:Lssion chai_rrn2.n <br />appoint various members to head up s}.>ecial areas and proyecis <br />st.1411 aS9 °TOa(is'~q "CJEa eT O70r1CS y" "ia.A etyy" et C. .and then <br />report back Co tPte commission members at each regular. <br />meeting, <br />The Vi.17.age Clerks ofT%ce could be assaxe o£ the names o;' <br />