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PLANNING COMMISSION <br />VILLAGE OF LITTLE CANADA <br />440 LITTLE CANADA ROAD <br />ST. PAO L. MINN. 55119 <br />1Ninutes of the regular meeti.rzg <br />Planni.n.g Cornrni.ssion - Vi_lla£e of S. i.t:tle Canada <br />November 7, 197.3 <br />The regul;.i-r meeting of the Planning Commission of t:he Village of Little Canada <br />was held on the 7th day of Novernber.9 7.973 at 8x00 I?,M, at 440 Tittle Canada <br />Road in said Village> <br />'1'hc: following members were presents 1`fessor.s P,ar.7. Rossez9 James Villeax9 Virginia <br />Fisher, Margret P1it:chell, Peter Cost'a9 John Radfordg Ralph Nardi.ni9 Ron Iil.oornquist9 <br />'Richard Boss lII9. ~.~xid }sugene I.~asc:i.xna. <br />'lhe following memlaers were absents A7. Piueller. <br />Last minutes were corrected i:o chang;e L-he nanne Richard Boss III to f~.l. <br />Mueller as the ma7a who moved "Thai: the P7.anrxi.xxg Commission accept the building plan <br />anal grant the troo vari.auces requested concerning the Boat and Motor. Mart", <br />Also it. was noted that that that motion was not seconeded by Ibrs. Mitchell but <br />rather by i`1rs„ Fi.shere <br />CA'R_hA 'LANE' PROPOSAI, I°tr, };ichar.d Sheehy presexxted a proposs,.l for t:goo (2) m <br />SHtiliFiY A34~D BUSH four unit ~4oim house luildings to be located on three <br />(') l.ot.s on a nine (9) lot ra:i,tli the remaining five <br />(5) lots to be reL-ained f:'or a partc, <br />(`1r, i:adford i_ndicnP.ed that mould be necess~,r:y :if <br />this proposal. oaas submitted as n reuucss: fo,: mulY.iple <br />dr;, llor'sever if it were sul>mi.taed as .:; Planned <br />Devel.opc:xnent for the whole penninsuls9 the7.i. a special. <br />u}e penni.t would suf:f:i_ce, <br />lte itadi.cated the density oi' Bhe, PUD proposel r•.=ai.t7.d be <br />w:i.Y:hin that permitted i.n a res:i.dential. disCri_ct, <br />111r> Husnicl< disagreed with putting only two (%) rnu7.ti.ple <br />toFm house urd.ts on tlu parcel.. Fle st.:i.d Ch,1y should <br />renuest rno;:e mul.t:i.ple d,oellings, <br />Mra Sheehy said thcit he had si.gnaCw:es of agreement from <br />all orarrars of haul on th-_ perxnensula except Dlr, Husnictc <br />and that a corporation oaoi.2ld be foz:med by except <br />i~1r, Husn:i.clc, <br />Mr, 12adford i.nd:i.cated that if a. P IJ P is permi_tt=ed Chat <br />the ag-r.eement must be in caritting and in. perpetuityg <br />and ~aot: subjecl: to change of adding of bui.ld:tnl; in the <br />open. space in later years, <br />1~1r., P, Axulerson9 arclxitech9 showed the plans, A17. 8 <br />units i.n the tyro buildings would be 7 1»droom to~•mhouses, <br />riir. Sheehy requested approlya7. of a Planned Unit llevcl.- <br />opemeat_, <br />