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~'L.ANNINO COMMISSION <br />VILLAGE OF LITTLE CANADA <br />44^ LITTLE CANADA RDAD <br />'iT. PAIJ L. MINN. 55119 <br />r9inui:es of the meeting <br />1'lannirag Commi.ssiorr -Village of Little Canade. <br />L~ecernber 5' 7.973 <br />The regular meeting o~`. th<:. Planning Commission o~` the Village of <br />hi.~ttl.e Canada rags held on the 5th of 1>ecember9 1973 at He00 PsMs at <br />440 Little Canada Woad i.n said Vi.l.lagea <br />fhe members mere presents Virginia 1?isher9 Margaret i>litchell.~ <br />Ra Boss IlC' .john Radfordy 1>eter Costar Jim Vil.leaxy ',?~u-1, l.ossez9 and <br />i?ugene S~ascianaa <br />'Phe %olloraing members mere atasen.t~ Iron 131omquisty Ralph Nardini,9 arzd <br />Ai. Nuel.lera <br />The mectirxg rags called to older at &:03 Pal~ia et ~r40 Little Canada ];ends <br />Minutes of joint received in ma5.l. ere'ce approved as r~;ada <br />I~`red SchelttY 1~1ra Gale Renberg from 1?enbert Realty presented <br />a. proposal7. fox the Scheltty property9 approximately <br />40 acres west o{ Edgerton Stre~'L- and ;outlx of_ <br />Little Canada Road, <br />1: L- rags for a developement to i.n<il.ixle toern houses at <br />the NortYz end and the -rest of the land rao~uld <br />eventually be used for single family dwellings <br />and a possible man made lake in L-he. arena <br />They oran.ted to get. opinions Lrom the Pl.anni,ng <br />Connnissi.on l:>efore progressing further, <br />'Phe Commission. expressed interest: :lax <br />the plans and indicated that the parcel of 1. rand <br />was ideally suited for a Pl.arrned Unit Devel.opementa <br />`Che Planning Commission :i.ndi_ce,ted that: as a <br />planned unit: developement. some cred3.t would be given <br />for open ranter space rahen considering den.aitya <br />7`he Commission asked Dira henherg to <br />return. at the next meeting a. total plan <br />and a pet.iti.on signed by the nei.phbors i.ndi.cating <br />their approvals <br />Vi7.l.age Property l,mnd origin.; l.l.y crn~nposed of epproxi.mately 5 7.ots~ <br />Ease of Country r~>as purchased 'lay the Vi.ll~.ipe o£ 1,i.ttle Canada for <br />S)rive $19m350a $579000 in assessment, are div;i_ded over. <br />the next 15 yearsa <br />This tota7.s appr.oxe~mat:ely S'77y000a00 over. tlxe next <br />15 yearsa <br />