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full-time employees who are eligible for health insurance, be provided the same contribution <br />amount into an HSA account. <br />Employees who qualify for the City’s family health insurance plan, but instead have coverage <br />through a spouse or parent, are eligible for Opt-Out. Staff is recommending that only full-time <br />employees are eligible for Opt-Out payments. <br />The City now only offers a high-deductible Health Savings Plan for insurance coverage, so the <br />paragraph stating that new employees can only be enrolled in an HSA and that other employees <br />cannot switch back to a co-pay plan is no longer applicable and should be deleted. <br />Staff will be doing a comprehensive review of the entire Personnel Policy over the next few months, <br />but wanted to get the change made for health insurance eligibility done as soon as possible. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />Approve the amendments to Section 12 of the Personnel Policy for Health Insurance Availability <br />and the Opt-Out Program as presented.