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02-12-09 Planning Comm. Agenda
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02-12-09 Planning Comm. Agenda
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Appeals. Section 922-A of the Zoning Ordinance establishes an appeal process when <br />it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination by <br />an administrative officer in the enforcement of this Ordinance. Requests for appeals are <br />considered by the City Council serving as the Board of Adjustment, following a <br />recommendation by the Planning Commission. <br />The applicant's request to be granted an exception from the City's definition of "family" <br />will be processed as an appeal. <br />In this report, we have identified potential issues that the family size definition is <br />intended to address, including general zoning issues related to the occupancy of single <br />family property. The City should evaluate this appeal based on whether the proposed <br />exception would address the zoning issues in a way that would justify waiving the 3- <br />unrelated person standard. <br />Fair Housing Act. In consideration of the applicant's appeal, it should be determined <br />whether or not denial of the applicant's request would in any way violate the intent of the <br />Fair Housing Act (to provide fair housing throughout the United States). The basic <br />premise of the Fair Housing Act (Section 804) is not to deny housing (sale or rental) to <br />any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national <br />origin. <br />As previously indicated, the applicant's home would be occupied by four <br />developmentally disabled individuals. The Fair Housing Act does not specifically <br />address the definition of "family" in regard to "related" and "unrelated" persons. <br />Obviously, the applicant's do not wish to deny occupancy to those persons having <br />handicap. <br />The City's definition of "family" is established for the purpose of preserving the character <br />of residential neighborhoods by controlling population density, noise, disturbance and <br />traffic congestion. Of particular question is whether or not the preceding concerns, <br />regardless of whether or not the dwelling occupants are related, can be mitigated to the <br />satisfaction of the City. <br />Evaluation Criteria. As noted above, it is considered appropriate to identify issues <br />which should be addressed in order to minimize potential adverse impacts associated <br />with the proposed use. Based upon a review of the Fair Housing Act and typical zoning <br />standards related to health, safety and general welfare, the following should be <br />considered: <br />Maximum Occuoanc~ A primary intent of the non-related persons limitation (within a <br />dwelling) is to control adult population density and therefore maintain the character of <br />single family residential neighborhoods. Thus, it is considered appropriate to establish <br />an occupancy limit on the requested exception. In this case, the applicants suggest <br />that the occupancy by the 4 tenants, and supervising staff, will not be dissimilar to a <br />typical single family home due to the characteristics of the use. <br />
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