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RECOMMENDATION <br />The City's definition of "family" stipulates that not more than three unrelated persons <br />may occupy a dwelling. The limit on the number of unrelated persons is intended to <br />preserve the character of residential neighborhoods by controlling population density, <br />noise and traffic congestion. Thus, it is not so much the number of persons which is of <br />concern but rather the impacts produced by such persons. <br />The limit of three unrelated adults has been established as the maximum at which such <br />persons are likely to avoid raising the issues noted above. The proposed exception is <br />based in the belief that due to the nature of the proposed occupants, expanding the <br />number of unrelated adults from three to four, in this particular case, will not cause the <br />negative impacts that the limit is designed to avoid. <br />Considering the residents of the dwelling will not drive, impacts related to traffic <br />congestion and parking are expected to be minimal and no greater than a dwelling <br />occupied by four related persons. Moreover, licensed group homes in similar <br />circumstances -with up to six occupants -have functioned without issue for several <br />years in many locations. In this regard, Staff believes the proposed residential facility <br />can compatibly exist within the context of it neighborhood provided the following <br />conditions are satisfied: <br />1. No more than four (4) persons (not including the house manager and <br />professional care attendants) shall reside on the premises. <br />2. Residents shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older. <br />3. With the exception of the professional care attendants and house manager, <br />dwelling occupants shall not store private automobiles on the property. <br />4. Secondary use of the property including, but not limited to, off-premise storage <br />shall be prohibited. <br />5. The property owners secure a rental license. Such license shall document the <br />conditions of use approval. <br />6. The facility shall not be altered in a manner which is inconsistent with future re- <br />use as a single family dwelling. <br />7. All applicable requirements of the State Building and Fire Codes are satisfied. <br />8. The emission of noise shall be in compliance with and regulated by the State of <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Standards, Minnesota Rules 7030 as amended. <br />pc: Kathy Glanzer Steve Westerhaus Lee Elfering <br />William and Renee Galvin, 882 Westwind Drive, Little Canada, MN 55109 <br />