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02-12-09 Planning Comm. Agenda
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02-12-09 Planning Comm. Agenda
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7/2/2009 10:16:17 AM
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2/6/2009 3:34:57 PM
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~~ <br />5=` <br />~•~_ <br />`~tt~ ~°anaa~a <br />515 Little Canada Road, Little Canada, MN 55117-1600 <br />(651) 766-4029 /FAX: (651) 766-4048 <br />www. ci.little-c anad a. mn. us <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor Blesener & Members of the City Council <br />FROM: Jessica Jagoe, Code Enforcement Officer <br />DATE: January 22, 2009 <br />RE: Temo Sunrooms - 2905 County Drive <br />MAYOR <br />Bill Blesoner <br />COUNCIL <br />Rick Montour <br />John Keis <br />Michael McGraw <br />Shelly Boss <br />ADMINISTRATOR <br />Joel R. Hanson <br />In May 2007, Temo Sunrooms was granted a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Permit <br />for their site at 2905 Country Drive. This permit allowed them to display one gazebo on <br />the south side of their property from March 1 to October 31 of each year. In January <br />2008, I conducted an inspection of this property and the gazebo was not removed. I <br />immediately started working with Temo Sunrooms to correct the violation. Ml•. Maietta <br />indicated that the contractor was the cause of the delay and due to weather conditions it <br />was not possible to remove. Additionally, Mr. Maietta indicated that they preferred to <br />leave the gazebo up year round. As a result in March 2008, Temo Sunrooms applied for <br />an amendment to the permit. <br />In March 2008, Temo Sunrooms applied for an amendment to allow year round display <br />of the gazebo, year round storage of two additional display trailers, and a commercial <br />dumpster. The City Council denied their request for the dumpstel• and denied the year <br />round display/storage of all three displays/trailers. Temo Sunrooms was issued an <br />amended permit to allow for display of the gazebo from March 1 to October 31. With the <br />other two display trailers only from April 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008 and from <br />April 1, 2009 through October 31, 2009 with review in October 2009 to extend the <br />permit. <br />I once again went out to the property on December 8, 2008 to see if these items were <br />removed and all three remained on the property. I called Mr. Maietta twice to discuss the <br />permit provisions. Mr. Maietta said he would have to contact his contractor to figure out <br />when in fact it could be removed. I did not hear back from Mr. Maietta and followed up <br />with his office once again on December 17. Mr. Maietta left me a voicemail that his <br />contractor was still working on a possible date and with weather conditions was unsure. <br />He indicated that Temo Sunrooms was having a lunch at their property on December 18 <br />and the contractor was attending. He hoped it could removed at that time. I left Mr. <br />Maietta another message reminding him it was all three displays, not only the gazebo in <br />the front of the building. Mr. Maietta left me a message on the December 19 indicating <br />he had totally forgot about the two trailers in the back of the building, but they would be <br />
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