1-Year TotalDepartment Project # Priority
<br />Parks 28 60,000Thunder Bay Park - Boardwalk 2
<br />Capital Fund 456 - Park Land 60,000
<br />Repair boardwalk on trail that connects to the City of Maplewood
<br />Parks 29 166,500Thunder Bay/West Winds - Trail Repair 2
<br />Capital Fund 456 - Park Land 166,500
<br />Repair trail as needed along the Thunder Bay/Westwinds Linear Trail. Trails were inspected in 2021 and assigned replacement dates after
<br />reviewing the condition of the trails. Portions of the trail are deteriorating sooner than expected.
<br />2024 - 2,935 LF
<br />Parks 36 6,500Pioneer Park - InField Repair/Maintenance 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 6,500
<br />Recrowning of softaball fields and outfield repairs
<br />Parks 37 160,000Pioneer Park - Trail Repair 2
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 160,000
<br />Repair trail as needed at Pioneer Park. Trails were inspected in 2021 and assigned replacement dates after reviewing the condition of the
<br />trails.
<br />2024 - 2,780 LF of trail to replace at $55/LF plus design and engineering
<br />2031 - 1,650 LF of trail to repl
<br />Parks 45 6,000Spooner Park - Field Repair/Maintenance 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 6,000
<br />Spooner Park ballfield repair and maintenance
<br />Parks 71 30,000Emerald Ash Borer 2
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 30,000
<br />Removal and replacement of ash trees infected with EAB in City parks, ROW, and City property.
<br />Parks 72 15,000Canadian Days Fireworks 2
<br />Capital Fund 408 - Charitable Gambling 15,000
<br />Canadian Days Fireworks
<br />Parks 75 960,000Land Purchase 3
<br />Capital Fund 456 - Park Land 960,000
<br />Land purchase of 10 Little Canada Road, 60 Little Canada Road, and 2884 Centerville Road
<br />Parks 77 20,000Pioneer Park - Softball Field Sand Injection 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 20,000
<br />Inject sand into softball fields to help with the surface water issues and create a smooth and safer playing field. Treat two fields each year and
<br />alternate every year for the first four years.
<br />Parks 78 5,000Pioneer Park - Trail Markers 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 5,000
<br />Add trail markers throughout the park.
<br />Parks 79 32,750Court Resurfacing 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 32,750
<br />Court Resurfacing at Pioneer Park, Thunder Bay Park, and Rondeau Park
<br />2024 - Pioneer Park $29,000 & TB Park $3,750
<br />2028 - Pioneer Park $20,000, TB Park $3,800, and Rondeau Park $3,500
<br />2032 - Slight price increase from 2028, annual review to see if numb
<br />Parks 81 17,500Rondeau Park - Basketball Court Replacement 2
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 17,500
<br />Half basketball court is beyond resurfacing and needs to be replaced. This includes reconstruction of the base, engineering, and new court
<br />surfacing (acrylic painting).
<br />Parks 82 75,000Community Building 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 75,000
<br />Build a multi-use community building.
<br />Parks 84 10,800Bench Replacement 3
<br />Capital Fund 400 - General 10,800
<br />Replace benches in City Parks.
<br />2024 - Nadeau Park (3) / Little Canada Road (3)
<br />2025 - Gervais Mill Park (3) / Spooner Park (2) / TB/WW (3)
<br />2027 - TB/WW (3)
<br />2032 - Gervais Mill Park (3) / Spooner Park (3)
<br />2033 - TB/WW (3)
<br />Wednesday, October 4, 2023Page 3Produced Using the Plan-It CIP Software