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Capital Improvement PlanCity of Little Canada, MinnesotaDEPARTMENT SUMMARY2024 2033thruTotal2024 2025 2026 2027 2028Department2029 2030 2031 2032 2033Project #Administration340,25048,000 8,800 8,800 15,100 11,900 16,600 173,250 23,000 19,800 15,000Buildings573,184294,400 237,008 3,473 3,647 12,329 4,020 4,221 4,432 4,654 5,000Fire2,638,13570,000 480,056 156,042 733,678 1,082,359 18,000 23,000 23,000 30,000 22,000Parks and Recreation9,329,2002,064,300 1,279,900 3,138,000 709,550 507,800 198,500 253,500 347,000 112,600 718,050Public Works21,927,6101,727,810 1,793,300 4,868,750 3,868,500 1,473,750 1,764,000 1,664,750 1,546,000 1,301,750 1,919,000Sewer2,196,750416,500 55,000 386,500 117,000 262,500 18,750 391,500 153,900 315,100 80,000Storm Water2,371,456345,256 159,700 282,000 204,500 199,500 236,500 248,000 240,500 199,500 256,000Water2,359,358144,900 226,327 128,282 124,465 405,103 374,422 430,196 171,503 167,593 186,5675,111,166 4,240,091 8,971,847 5,776,440 3,955,24141,735,943GRAND TOTAL2,630,792 3,188,417 2,509,335 2,150,997 3,201,617Thursday, October 26, 2023Page 1Produced Using the Plan-It CIP Software16