Capital Improvement PlanCity of Little Canada, MinnesotaSOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS2024 2033thruCapital Fund 400 - GeneralSource2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 20332,541,637 1,872,421 662,127 207,898 219,475Beginning Balance298,650 225,964 330,233 396,621 506,017Revenues and Other Fund SourcesRevenue00 2,425,00000Bond Proceeds - Community Building0000072,774 72,774 72,774 72,774 72,774Cell Tower Lease72,774000075,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000Franchise Fee - Gas100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,00025,400 18,700 6,600 2,100 2,200Interest3,000 2,300 3,300 4,000 5,100100,000 100,000000Levy0000014,768 14,768 14,768 14,768 14,768PILOT - AFSA14,768 14,768 14,768 14,768 14,76810,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000PILOT - Painter's Union10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,00010,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000TIF Excess Increment10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,00000000Transfer from Fund 202 - Cable TV0 158,75000012,300 12,700 19,200 32,300 12,300Transfer from Fund 450 - Admin Fees12,000 13,800 11,900 9,600 15,800320,242 338,942 2,658,342 241,942 222,042Total 222,542 309,618 149,968 148,368 155,668Other Fund Sources000080,000Donations - Skate Park00000246,172 246,172 246,172 246,172 246,172Local Government Aid (LGA)246,172 246,172 246,172 246,172 246,172246,172 246,172 246,172 246,172 326,172Total 246,172 246,172 246,172 246,172 246,1723,108,051 2,457,535 3,566,641 696,012 767,689Total Funds Available566,414 585,114 2,904,514 488,114 548,214Total Revenues and Other Fund Sources767,364 781,754 726,373 791,161 907,857468,714 555,790 396,140 394,540 401,840Thursday, October 26, 2023Page 1Produced Using the Plan-It CIP Software23