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Mayon Me2ancon ea~2ed .the meetCny ob .the. V.i,Eeage Counci.C <br />to ondeh. The C2e~lz eaX.eed .the noP.e and the Uae.Qaw,Lng Coune,i,2men <br />wehe pnehev~t: <br />McCaneon, Nadeau, Spoonevc, LoeU4ken, Vi„ta2e. <br />Mayon. Mo_,eancon .then announced ,that he had ,inv.i.ted Rev. <br />Anthu~c H. Dunand, a`he on.Cy e.eeh-yyman n~~id.Cng ~n the V.i,Peage ob <br />~e Canada., to .Cead a pnayen ob .Lnvaecvti.on. <br />Pnayeh by Rev. Anthun N. Dunand. <br />FoP~aw2ng .Lnvueati.on, h4ayon pde2ancon made a bnLeU state- <br />mev~t concenvL<ng his hopes and a,imb Uon the Uutuhe aU .the V.L22.age. <br />He congnatu2ated aP.L ob ~ o{~U.Lcehs and thanh.ed .the cii:i,zens yen- <br />e~.a2Cy Uon. the.ih. suppoht. <br />Upan motion by Spoon~+., heeonded by LoeUUReh, .it wan <br />"RESOLVED, .that .the Counc i,2 w.i.F.e g.Lve <br />' Uu~2 eoopehat.iun to .the Mayon." <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />The c.Ce~r.fz nepanted .that he had neePived an ouX' oU pno- <br />eedu~ce Unom .the h4,inneeota League oU Mun.Le~paX.i~iee y.Cv.Lng the steps <br />~ ~, ) wh,ieh aha~~2d be bo.P.~owed at .the U.ihn.t meeting o~ .the V.i.P,2age Counci,2. <br />He a,P~o eta~ed that he had con6eluced w:,th the V.i.P.eage Ckenfz oU Rose- <br />v.i.?.ee who had g-i.ven h,im add%tiona,2 .Ln{~onmat~.on conevhvi, .items wh,Leh <br />shouXd be taken cane ob at ,the U.ihnt meeting. <br />I~ <br />Upon motion by LoeU(~Leh, seconded by Nadeau, ~ wan <br />"RESOLVED, that Ph.~P i.p U. Duchcuime be <br />i and .in heneby neeamrnended {ion appo-i.wttnev~-t <br />as V.iCCage Aehenson and that the C.Leh.h eom- <br />mun.icate tltiin necommendation to Mn. HaveTand, <br />.the Rarrv,ey Couv~ty Asseshon." <br />Ayes - 5 Naye - 0 <br />Upon motion by Loe4U2eh, seconded by Spoon., .it wan <br />"RESOLVED, ,that .the U,t,P.eage Tneahuneh be <br />and i/, heheby nequi~.ed .to poht a eonpona,te <br />surety bond .Ln Uavon o~ .the V.i,f'~2age o~ L,~tt.Ce <br />Canada .in .the 4um oU R.ive Thousand DoP.eann <br />($5,000.00), and that .the. pnem, theneUon be <br />paid by .the V.i,F.Cage." <br />Ayeh - 5 Nayh - 0 <br />Upon mot-i.on by Spoonea, seconded by Loe{b.2~, .it was <br />"RESOLVED, .that the CLev~fz be and .in hereby <br />negwiv~ed to poht a conpaiate hwcety bond .in <br />-2- <br />