<br />�✓
<br />Countv of lunalsty, - ..
<br />6upene I..lcyni<'„tl h•. iu doh >w if o. oo „nth s,ivs lit. IN and fill ip_. all the
<br />tints her. ill stilted tta,;wvll the publisher and Prime, nt th,- now spap,•r known
<br />as'I•he N tut:• Bern I•r, •..s :md ha, !ul! imol, wdGe of till t:ct, het, an staled as
<br />tnllo)t'N: tl l :{aid ot-v si•.tilt'! is pri;a.d of fit,. t. npltsh htll,:uapr in newspaper
<br />tol plat and if, column :md'11VOt tore: t'yunalrnl ill prinu-d spare to at least 900
<br />N�pl;uo incbs. I '1 Sand new , sjmjwi-. it w.'tk v and 1s di., Ibuled at I, :1st once
<br />t itch .Peek I it Said if.... spapol has )(I' . of it, nelrs adup. '. ,1.•cnt, d I,• news of
<br />local intol,';I to till cot,Iit, nnity wit:t'II it outguns to c, l)t and do. -, not wholly
<br />duplicate :nry odwr nut:lit,lion ara is not n,:!,tt• up eru:. I. :: pia, Ins. plate
<br />matter 111.1 •,lIv,r I ti'l :;na,ts. 11) Sind il,\ ::;lrr is ci,cu't: led :n nnu near the
<br />ollooCIpnEt)w oCil It roll"pa!'ls I. nPl":e. fill' Ill I,:,n Fl oil ,Mies :'eirulal'ly
<br />. .
<br />delicored 0, pavinu stl•.: riilrr..::.I<:;:: Olt 1. of :d it-a,t 76'1 of Its total
<br />'
<br />circulation currtnth pond of no j,wiv thin three month m arrears and hag
<br />tntrY as second-rlas, matt., in it, !,),:ifp.,st-ottite L-o Said newspaper
<br />pul'l'ol't5 to :.ear lilt rlly of \\ hit,- Bear Lik,- of \lilmesnta in the Counties of
<br />RanlseN and Wilshinr, lull and it fins its known Mort o1 Pistil in the city of White
<br />Notice to honey,ilea that as Coy Counce of all, Oily of
<br />lit:u' Lille in sand cou:;t c. cNut WI hod :!Id o1a•11 ,lunn, Its II business
<br />Laae Canada" nael at ale uAae Carada Coy sea. 515
<br />E. Lima Caada nova at 7:30. P.M. on September 8. 1976
<br />hom N till the f:alhoi II:,; of nv'•v,. ':tit' Ili a❑Ic 1.1 tldt—lellts And sale of
<br />aa cnner Ba rneknp of as fogowkp:
<br />subst'n ipl fell=:f [Ill flialinn l n,'l hl I' on, I). AI Ii II'III ee pt1'"in, in Its employ
<br />aeProaerrlem 76.5 Stark Sasat km Lail, Sfael W Canty
<br />Road ••C.. tad pp fib, Boat! ..D., hap Sill. b �k
<br />� 1i el l;;'i ill- all ouch ,t�War bit sltl.5g hours
<br />and Rulicivo 1'. 111, till t•, tlon :in, cont,Cola' .
<br />street.
<br />and at which s;[III .us1,+Ip.� is pl mold. ihl Said n.wsoalw: file, if copy of each
<br />BY: Wetamuln alatellaMn.
<br />lc issue on nu• t itll th,•titalt llislul'nl tiorua)'. !.I 4lid newspaper is made
<br />Pww n as uermrary anpineaq a -Pon arc Bar wlan the Oily
<br />availaldt tit sim-.1," (.1wpa:Inv! b..rlpllon paces to :Inv corporation.
<br />Cam'11111'tI1tI
<br />Alll I Ill' Ill 1i,•1 Ilfiln Ol I" 0l'd 0"111 iation Ile, ue,tim, the nevi's ,1 ter and
<br />I I •o I 1' I
<br />That ate or000aOfl b M e ft liar t la wail Iplowd.r,wlto le
<br />■bteaM trecte of lane elwuaq etreetam Merlaovaa.
<br />n)akinl; Lilo npplie ;d rlt p;n unrnt. Ig1 Nnpi rtvwsp;,pel has ctanpht•d with all the
<br />..... AN aaaunt to Minn..Stafa. 429,011-429.111 (Lewd 1953.
<br />lol',• "oni" 'ontillion, lee ❑l 6,n-.l um• %car pn•cedinp the day or dates of
<br />Ch396 NemerMedl.
<br />Bach peraane m deal, b M Mad wlttl releronp b ale pro.
<br />,uhl is alien ulrnt. ion, d b. im, I,ifI Saud new. 11 per hits filed loth the Sect
<br />I 1' I Y
<br />poaae hmcovaranawit be Moo at ill, roistiN
<br />of State of Minnosotn pl for to .1 anuat.v 1, l`90; and each .I anuary I thereafter an
<br />Ta eeB inaled opal fm eeid knaovaranm a323.125.00.
<br />:III I,I:IC It ToLilo tol'I❑ Proscrib.d Iry oho Set r.lery of Suite and signed by Eugene
<br />eta Joseph F. Chabeok. Cork
<br />Clry of um Carlotta
<br />U. Johnson :lad o,uI if h, L"dt.I'„ aI nttal_v puhlit slatul,_ that tilt newspaper is a
<br />P,E4tad bale Willa flea Preee Aa9lst 19 a 26. 1976.
<br />eeWalylSdrtawptynaawm
<br />lval lu•w,poper: -
<br />I le IifIOn. I'Intvs on ont IT I hat t he pr 111Itl 'C__.I :1"t ;.. JTl
<br />Im; roven- e� ' -5
<br />h, ,olu attic had 1, .1 pint lwl nl ., P ::.: d new spaptr.
<br />doll ";IN la'inttd and puhllsh,'ll tll":: ,n "11 1 1n; u.:;:f' once each
<br />m.,.k. till '..... No, 'cron
<br />. •Fl-ur. F,t.: O)v
<br />19--76-amlA,'Sy thtl:'Idol lnllll:'I I I'd I::.L•i _.:.•, •.It _...,
<br />to and includmt: Uh ', �•!• ,:.:, ..;
<br />Iu 7-G .an:l uI•II fh.' I,i ,1 nl� vi of I,: II,::',i P^IIV O: 1•:: ",, ... „t •I�l,I1.111P(
<br />It"In \ to / Loth iw !unn: , :and IF Iltn•h. .t know Ind:[:,! . :...' lilt N:ie ❑nd
<br />kind of lyp,• it,, I ill Ili t .:: I:,:- I'.•a, :. ,: lrauli, .lu,Iu .. .... •':�rtnr, to lvn
<br />db•noI,,, Wlr.;o, ':1,:,"
<br />exhibit 529
<br />..,, , ; ; T"'a
<br />� " � � �- --
<br />aClerk's
<br />ppno.
<br />,Feting Sept.—U-1y76
<br />Sobs(l'Ih('llanll :,, Ib II I„hl I.rlr ill,' tln>
<br />Original on file under
<br />VI,tm I'ti Sul, H�I�:,-.. I,mint. Moon.
<br />Mn t „I,n,,•"N,,,,f,.�l;;l• , ;,,
<br />Engineer:
<br />\l )l' u;l \I, . I,\Ll
<br />Imp. 76-5
<br />r••'•.+-� .. •... ••`.•`�
<br />...�
<br />-, c
<br />P4.VHy MAN!)
<br />%y' •.:y .omm,ssan<pi'e5 2-t:-1i37
<br />