<br /> 14Ik;U`.l"e
<br /> C:i ty Cou_ac ~.l
<br /> (Coz> t. )
<br />
<br /> r~iayl.iy 1980
<br /> i'~aayor. i?anson informed the C;oundil than the Ci.~ty hos advertised. on
<br /> sever. al occasions fa:r ci'i,=tzesas ~to .farm a, coAnznit~tee to study the
<br /> F>ossibilS.ty o:C t;kre City purcht~~sing~ the Old :i,at~tle Ca,na.da. Sckzool
<br /> a,nd tore uses i~t could be put Co. 1do one ras volunteered for this
<br /> doro:rnittee,
<br /> r~9ayor .Flnnsoax states} tha,i; the City zreeds to c;:i.ve some d.irec~t:i.or!. to
<br /> tYze ;)drool t3o and on whether or n.ot the City is interested err purchasing
<br /> t1re; k>uildi.xrg;,
<br /> Couzac:i:Lman :r?ah.ey seabed that b.e :is not in 1'avo:c o:E' pu:rchasi.ng the
<br /> bua.:Ld.:i.ng, :f.~ohey coYrmaente<:i t:~rat he vaa.> not convinced thaw it as :north
<br /> the money. also the:ce S.s no one w:i:Ll.ing 'to do stnd.y on it, i~ak~ey
<br /> :Celt th2t the bu.ild'~.ng vzould be a da_sE3s~ter ixr so :fax' as 'the: up.~lceep,
<br /> L'outzc.i,J.man i)e?ace stated that .if tn.e City k>u:ccrases the build.in,; :i:t
<br /> w1J..1 Jusc end trp with a, raau~tenrance proo_Lera, De".Base also staaeo. t•naa
<br /> no one h.as indioaaed tree ranch .intorest z.n the bui].din(.
<br /> Mayor. Manson stated that there is no one beati.nz; dov.*n the Oity~s c4aor
<br /> to gni:reha.se -the btt`~ldin~, klarson coAaazerrted ttra:c th.e Sdhool hoard ra,cl
<br /> tine building appra:i.sed at 5>250,000, ':Che City could nrae,.e a counter offer
<br /> to the rhool i3oard,>
<br /> Counc:i.:l.zcaax{. De:'.are su.f;lestad. that the City contact the 4iroups tkrat :`rave
<br /> ex>-re:ssed err i.zrtc:rest irr the Cit;~as pux~e;.la.sa.ng th.s ezua.ldirrr ~;.ncl ;;:i.ve
<br /> them ano~tha.r cha.zrce,
<br /> 'lhe C."tty manner suf;~gested that h:is ia.rn could da the study on the
<br /> bui.ld.in„ at a, cost to the Ciby oP bctc-=een 'a~39000 anti ~j,000. `.['h.e study
<br /> could be done in tame to app.Ly fo:c grants 'to ntrcha.se tho bui7.dinC;>
<br /> Counc:.i.lman. 1+'ahey stated tr.at there is no eni;husiasut for the City to
<br /> purchase itze bui.ldl.ng,
<br /> Couxzc-1.nzan. iePs.ce sugk;e.;ted that Mayor Janson. izzclacate to %r, 3orc; o}:.
<br /> -the. ;)drool ;;Decd that tr.e Oa.ty rs rev:i.etalne~ i'i > .rppx<2a ?a1 and ~.n th.e
<br /> rnea:n't:i.ine ~c toE;;ethe~,: vri.th the va.r:ious City ,:;coups to d.ascr.tss tzze
<br /> gurcrase, tvaksey su.;gested that the i~layor et; an 6itt erasion unti:i..l June
<br /> 15 and tkze rna'tter dould be discussed at tY.te Counc:Clos next regu7.ar
<br /> Co'uncia.. raeetinb, Sa;yor Ranson stated ~~krab ~th~„ a.s taha.% he taou:LC. do,
<br /> ydour-rr A,, < ,'arey inarodu.ced ere fol.lo~*irao reso:ution and. proved {t., a~dopt:i.oii;
<br /> F~:;~iUI,U`J'1'0).V ['dC, BOm>-19y _ FIUJOUYtN11V(S
<br /> 'l'he r'orego~.nn resolution v{as d.tti.y secon.dc;d by rir, Fiansan.
<br /> !j E; ,`i ~i.~ ,'.'prey, ',i£{:nSOny llE ia.Ce~ `>Ctd..lle,
<br /> teso.].u.ti.ozr deal.ared ac:lo,rted,
<br /> Th> s re>,olui;i.on aP1>ea.rs x_n reso7 cation Sook. loa, P :E;e :.L26,
<br /> i7re.re bein~ n.o fcm%?rer buy-i-rrc;ss9 ~bhc~; iaeetanr v~3; adjourned aa; i.0v05 P,,'~i,
<br /> to czoytful,)~ suk>~~ii~f,~ds
<br /> i
<br /> ' .i
<br /> ~~rnLrc;u G7 ~nzery ~E.coruan{;~ed c~~at:y r<€;e ~,7..
<br />
<br />