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r11A~ U 1'LS <br />City Council <br />~ugust 12, 19~31, <br />P4rs. iVardin introduced the £o:tlowing resolution and moved a.ts adoptione <br />Rk~SOLUTTUN NO> 81~8-~16 -~WF~ItllIVG `l'Tili BSD F'OEZ <br />`CHli PARK STkZE;N`L' Ii~it'ROVt~d~lENT `PO GLEN CON`CRACTING <br />ltV TFIE AT~TOUNT OF ;pL3f~~772e55 SUHJECT TO `1'HE <br />RliCESPT OI' 7H~ FiLNiAINING I;ASka~iE',Id`1S FOR kARK S`Pkttili`I' <br />BY 7'H8 CI7.'X AT,PO:RNk:X <br />1'he foregoing reso~ution was du:ly seconded by i~lr, ~orsberg, <br />Fiyea (5) itiardini' I'orsberg, P'ahey, Hanson, Sca:lze, <br />IJayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />`i'his resolution appears in Resolutzon Boo:t No. 7' 1'age 2p2, <br />~dding Nlr, i~ahey introduced tkze following resolution and moved its adoption; <br />Yark Street <br />:L~nproveznent RESOLO`.CIOiV SVO, 81m~3~1~17 - 4DDiNC'r q'FIP: PAFtK STRi,~T <br />`I'o Bonds Of IMYRp1TE,~'iE1tq'' ;IjVPHOVEA~EIQ7' N0. f31~39 '1'0 THE }30NDS <br />-~9'79 0~' 1y79 <br />The f'oregoing resolution was duly seconded by inrs. Scalze, <br />klyes (~) I~aheyy Sca7.ze9 lianson9 Nardini9 P'orsberg, <br />idayes (U), <br />Resolution declared adogted, <br />This resolution appears in Hesolution 3ook No, 79 kage 2~3, <br />Reappor tionrnent <br />O.f <br />t~ssessment Nars, Scal.ze introduced the .following resolution and rnoved its adoptiona <br />~ivision <br />No, 56835 RESOli0T10N NU, 81-.8-1aa8 m APPk7OVT~G x'II~ NEANk'ORT10id1~ili~T <br />Ok' .A.iSk.SSMEtu'P~ 1~OR DTVISSON N0, 56~359 D/P 329 D/P 70~ <br />~/y 3z, ~Nr~ n/~ z936 <br />The foregoing resoluti.on was du:ly seconded by i~ir. Hanson, <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, IIanson, Narda.ni9 P'oxsberg9 Fa.hey, <br />iYayes (0), <br />~,esolution dec:lared adopted. <br />7'his resolution appeaxs a.n ktesolution Boolc No, 7' Page 2f33m <br />Lawcoaa i~;rs, Scalze reported that the Ca.ty has :pH~L490 in Latacon Grant £unds, <br />Graaxt These funds must be used ixz 19f31 azzd can only be used on tra9.:Ls, <br />t~~enda.tures '1'he f'ark Coirunission wou:ld like to cornp:l.ete tiie last portion o£ the <br />trail system i.n Spooner k'arlt i•~ith these fundsa ~i'his addition 'to <br />the trail systeni would have to be approved by the Schoo:L llistrict, <br />`Phe Parx ComrrAission has estimated the cos't Cor completing the trail <br />syster~a at ~J.,760, Since Buc:c Blacktop is presently working in the <br />Yark9 the Yark Conunassa.on :fe1t this cou:l.d be adcled as a ckiaxige oxder <br />to the present ~roject Buck Hlacktop is doing. <br />~age mlE~- <br />