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1~iIIV U'J.'1sS <br />Ci t f Gounc i.l <br />Seutesnbex~ 239 L<)Bl <br />Yerznissioxa `Pk~.e Cit~ Cler:lc,ed to the Council. a. 1e;ttec £rorn Je~.i :Dana.el. <br />~'o~' ~ r.equestin~; ~errn~.ssaozx io block of:t' Ya,rk. S~tr~:et fo.r a b:locit ~~arty <br />Blocl: P~,r~;Y ozx S~~~urday9 Gcl;ober 3y ~-9~11 Frona 3 P,i~S, unt:tl ].0 1',~i, 2'he Clern <br />ka.rk Scx•c;et also :ce~orted cha:t ttxe R.arase:;y Gounby Skaerif.£+s De~ar'bment has infoxvied <br />i~ix~, :Da.r~iel tha:c 'ne anu~t ~rozr~,de botYz secur_i'r,y a.nd ai; tY.i:i.,> <br />~ar.tyo <br />IJir. P'a~ey a.nt-rocluced ~;he ['ollowing r.esolu_t:i_on az~d moved 5.ts adop't:ioziq <br />R[?SOLU'1`SOV 1V~o 81-~9mii77 -~ l~YF'ktOVING TfI}~ ~tk!.~Ok!~ST 'PU .B1:~OCIt <br />OI~'I~' i'sxsiK S'it7!~':ts`.C P;~OVJ:iii:D ~i1~1T P~i;:to J'~:I~'~~ 1~.~1I~if1's:l; kIZOV:Cll;:S <br />SA`i'1:SFA.(:TUtiY i::~T_C.D1;A1CI:; `CO `PAii~ CIA.Y. Cl,i;h'ia TfIk1T liis '~7SS,r~ <br />~'x~OV:lI)i; S~i l~T L,_l7'liu 4~iVD :iECUSZLTY 11T 7't:lf: ;P;11~`PY '~'0 t3J.. I.L'c:J;D <br />U~ U~il~~%1:)i!~i~ .3y a.9~~. ~'ti~.t~A ,3 .I~oA~'le j)A~'.~'.~.Ti ~.n .[~ol.'~~o 5,2.~ U~iA'ULli~Z <br />29 ~L981 <br />7.'he lore~oirzg resolut,ic~ia ~~a~s duly seconded by I~Sr, Ilaszson, <br />ayes (5) ;~ca_lse9 li~nson9 }~'a1'iey9 Tbrsk~ex'€3's :iJa.rciana., <br />Avayes (0), <br />l~~esoluti~z~ decl.ared a.dopted, <br />7.'his xesolu~aon appears ira Resolution Fsoole 1JOo 7, i'ages 31h an.d 317, <br />f~p~~roval 7.'h~ xesiderzt at 132 Demoxzt is moving asid h~s requrstE:d a pax•l~ixig <br />Oi' ~aricing pern~a.t f'o~ Allied Van Lines to pax~k :tzi h,he no p~rking zone ozx Denxont <br />1'errn:i t xakzile the party is raovixig, <br />Ozi Demor~t <br />lir~, Scal.~e antroduced the fol'lowing resolut`~on and nxoved its;_iono <br />E~SO.LUTS:UN NOo 81-9-~57~ A A~'E'I?OV.T.NG .A k'AkZ1C1iVG 1'i:Ri~'i:C'i' <br />FOR AL:GIu~ VAtu LINliS ON llLa~iO:NT Oti OC`CO.E3f:;R 1~iVll 29 <br />1981 r~xoNa 8,30 ~,~~. To L~o3o Y,.~~~. <br />`ahe fo.regoang resolut:ton i,ras duly seconded b~~ 1'~Lra :(ia.nsoxz. <br />a'~y'es (5) Scalze, kIarxson~ I~a,hFy9 r'orsbe.rg9 Nardini, <br />iVa.yes (0). <br />Etesolution declared ~do~ted, <br />This resoluta.on a~peaxs in ;tesolutian iiooK :No, 79 k'age 317. <br />Sasai(;ary i'ne City reported that the County kaa;t never been. char~;ed .~ox <br />:iewer Ci~arges set•rer serv~ce at Gervais 73each, '.the Ci~;y currexxtly claarges :~15,00 pex~ <br />At Gerva,is quarter 1'or seo-ae.r sezvice, <br />tseach <br />Councilma,n I~'a,hey sug~ested that the Couf~ty Ue charged for two quari;ers <br />each year fot' se~Jer service, l~ahey £elt that the City shoul.d <br />baciz-char. ~e fi'or the yea,.rs that have gorie by iai thou.t a char~e being <br />madem <br />`i'he City Clerk sta.ted tka~;c he belaeves the County has used tkae Cil:yos <br />sez•rer at the beach s9.nce about ].g69 or 1970„ <br />i~l~~s, tiardina ~tated tha,t the beach i.s orily in operation for three months <br />out o:f the year9 ~.nd9 tkiexe£ore9 should orzly be cha,r.ged :['or oxie guarter <br />each eax, ~3A <br />'~ Page <br />