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i41.1V 07.'.h ~b <br />C:i.ty Gptil~ci.~ <br />S~:~te~ribex 30, i)81 <br />'Trie i~ity C1.Frit ir.aSormed bnc; Ooux~.c~J.. ckta,t t:rzere as a,' <br />~.~or.~tion in ~tiae oudge~;, The Ci~l;y~~s a,uGitors .r.~ecommcrzded tkia.t, <br />tl:ii.s f'und con'tain a ba..Lancs c>].' ,.j250,000 by 1.985, <br />alr, luclaa.x~ii ~~~oss, :ix~o, ckte Cizyv~; 1'~_re (:hief9;ar.ed beio.r~e the <br />Couxzcala i~~ir, ;sors statE3c~ tlzt:rt b.e ;aoul.d 1i:ce ~Lo a,sic the Council tYza;t <br />tYaey cons~_c~er inar.ea.siz~.g the 1llotiaan.ce fox nF;za eqai~raeni. _in tlir~ <br />l:ise k~rotect~~orz por.•Li.on oi' ckie C~iy budF;et, `.C'he I)e~a.ri:raez~t <br />is u:ceseni::t.y sEtt;~xig a.sicle :~79000 pe:r,~ yeax• i'o.r i,he ~truck S'un.d, <br />l:ue ~;o i.riFlatios~ A°.~r< :doss dica not Feel tiha,C th~..s ~mAOt~nt i•~as a.dequ~;t;e, <br />,.ic~, iiransora a.siced t~:r, i;oss ,rha.t ~ae thout;ht the cost o~°. a, sae~a :P:ire <br />~xuc,.< ra:i.~;ht be, ii:r, ~ioss estuarzted t,tze cost at S~ts0,000 'co i~tS~s000o <br />~-1rs> Sctilze asASed r,r, Boss iF Lhe F:ixe De.~~a.r'~rriesat has ever conba,cbed <br />i;h~; ~Lyons o:.r o~Lhex~ g:rou~s a.uoul; dona.i;ing ~' e<Su.:ipmen~ ~to the; <br />li~~a.a~traenb, r7r, ~3oss sis~t,ed tha:t they ia~d not arad had :aevel b~:en <br />, , <br />B,AJ~;JS'0?CLIeCj pf 1:1858 t;Y'OUjJSo <br />a~lx:;, iu~.x•dini s~tttiGed ~bhat she :cnows thE t~iiciway ~,Joszs ki~:ae doxza~ed <br />several. paranzodic v~ti.ris, i~irs, tVa~~din:1 sia'ted b7ii;, ~;roui~ kia.s <br />been ak~proa.ched £oz• ~Ci~ese c7onatioz~s, <br />i~;r, Jso.s st;a:ted l;haL o'tkaer c:it:ies ha:ve sold 'ooxads r'o.r ne*.~ f':ir.e <br />equi~ra~nt and turneci j,hern over to 6he:i.r. Firc L'~pn,rtmezz~s, <br />r9.ayor Ela,czrdon stated ~xia~ the Gity ha.~t r~;cen'tl~r stx~etched ihe:i.r <br />bondin~; ca,~aci'vy and ;~erna,~s should consider bud~;etin~; :;>10y000 <br />S'or z~e~a equik>rnen~;, :i'erh~t;~,s i.i' the C_ity budgete~i ;,10,000 over a <br />fitre yEar k~~riod this wonld oo ~trie solu~:i.oxz> <br />`l'k~e City Clex~is inJ'or.rned t2~e Couz~cil that thc (.exzera:i. lund Levy <br />f'or 1932 is :;S3Z9,~T90<00< 9.'hat is tkze City~ s 1:iarz~.~i;a,t:i.on, <br />`t~ix~s, Sca:ize as~eci tk~e Cii;y C1e.r:c N,hat an~ou~rL the Councii rnust cut <br />lronz ~bne bu~igeta 'lhe C_~~ty C-~orx stnted ~t:Aa:P; i.ti t.tie Couxicil cu~h,s <br />arxytxiing f'rom t}ae bucl~et thoy rnust vih~t ~;hey war:t to do <br />c•ritkz Ltaaf; rnoney, :i.f i:hcy vra,a~t to e:l.S.m%.x~.aCe it fx~orn the buc~~et or <br />N1ac,e it in the r,or~'r,:i.ngexicy Auza.d, "ihe L':ity CJ.eric agai.rx st~:ced <br />that 'i,he .,~~udi'core woul.d ;t.ilce to see a con'binge.rzcy fund o~° 5~~09000 <br />izx a.bout £o~~ years, <br />aciayor Hazison isiforrnecl tkae Counc:i.l tkz~:L 'the 1)f32 :(3ond l:,evy is <br />vo70~2J.0,00< `.2he City C].er:s ex~:lairxed the va.r.:ious bond levies <br />to the Councai, <br />i°layor xianson poizated out +,kiai; t,kie Cit,y rrAadE al:>prox:ima,tc;Ly $99y000 <br />A <br /> .,.Xitex'est ~;his ye~.r~ on i~.s :i.nvestxnerAbs, I'kiis anoney ~;oe:s inl:o cne <br />Cityo s s`Gxixing fuzad, <br />~'he Oity Clerxc in£ormed ~t;he Gouz~cil tha~.; the bond;, o~ 1976 <br />carryin~ ttxemselves l~g the ixri.eres'L, <br />J:he Gity Caer.k stated tkza:t o.~ t'rxe $ib709000 oi' bonc~ levy9 tlae Sta:te <br />.aiz:1. ~icic up appxoxtnaa~tei.y~ 1~3% throu.gkz ilornesteaa Credi.ts, <br />k' ~5- <br />