~I~I~J~..l ) U.EI~ ~~~~A~! T~lit'~~II.II.~tiA~ ~I.I.I_I.I~IF
<br />~i_~.~X. LIJU.I~L_~il
<br />~).`C`I:.L~i!. (i~xAV/`i~i.(ay S~i.I.:'dl:tii!'~uO`7'Il
<br />i'u:csut~nl; to due r,a_I..L c~nd xtoCica~ tlas,reo~' a. .r.e~,ul.ar :neeb:i.r~t; of tkze Cii,~
<br />Gousac_i7_ of,' t'e.le City~ o~f ~;a.tti~~ Cana~la, :ii..r.nESOta raa.s heJ.a on, the 2~th
<br />clay oi i~dovea~xbe.r, l9%1. ir ~the Counc:ii Chamoer.~ oF t;~ie Q~.i,~y Gen~b~r
<br />J.ocated ac ~lj I.att:Le C~na<i~. ;to~~d i.n sa.id Ci'tyro
<br />IJOtiE:Sft~E>Y' I j y J..9iS.~
<br />7'Yie 1.~1a,~or.9 i~~, Itayrnosid ft~nson, called "che rnee~tix~g ~to ox•clFr a~t 7033 ~'>i°~to
<br />~;nd tl~e :~ol.loUri~c~n ~aere ,~rsseri~ af; x~oll aa.:t.1,
<br />i~:i~a~i3 ,tS i' Z'c.`>J ~iV2'>
<br />~:1~.~~ O S'
<br />Coun.ci.:Lman
<br />Counc:~lman
<br />Gounc:S lraon~an
<br />(:OUSAC.l..~9A Ollltl!]
<br />i7x•, It~~.ya7zond rar,.sor~~
<br />A~ir. , i~Iichae:L ~t'a.hey
<br />1%ar, lienni.s I~ors}~ex~;
<br />J:~irs< ;i~,.~s I~dasdin.i
<br />14x~s, :;eve.r~y Scalre
<br />itii,SO i'Rw'.,Sx;:~VT o
<br />'.;:f.ty Cler:c
<br />Con;>ul.ciziz; asng;:inee>r
<br />Ci.ty rlttorney
<br />City }'lanner
<br />kiecordan;; Secretax~
<br />;~1r, Josepb. G'xa:le:becic
<br />I:ix°a ~~oxze~ld Ga.rLef
<br />;~ir, Cla;rton Far.lcs
<br />i"Ix•, _srac~ Iva.elson
<br />I~tx•s, fa:thJ,ec:n Gl.~nzex~
<br />Pppxova:L i'~lrs. Na.-rdirzi instructed ~Cha.f; ~thc~~ fo1.~o*,~ing chanoes sYionld be raade ~ho
<br />)F '1he ~t~e Oc~~ober 289 19t31 Ccrnncil saer~~ting~ anir~utesa ~k?e spelling of ~tkae xii~ne
<br />~~~Ain.n~tes idacki~CshE:ira s:hou~d k~F eo.r.r~ctedp i.n ~thE rn'~ddle ~a.ragx~a,ph osz ~abe 9 of
<br />the mixiutes ttze name (;oodl~~se should be chan~ ed to Gear; in ~Ckie Sinal
<br />clir:a,iier osx ~ago 3a o~ the roix~utes ~;ho J'ollosain~; ~tal;ernorif, should be
<br />~icded to tb.e :ia-st sen~terzce i.zl the second par•ag;raph _frorn ~hc; bottom of'
<br />the p~~ge~ nwh.ich theq joiz~tly filed a:fter i;he :L9'j(3 f:)_cod in ordex not
<br />to jeo~~ard:ice her po;sit=ion a.s she; i.s r.e,>resenting the City on th:i.s
<br />nxa.t ter~~ ,
<br />r2x's. Sca.lze irxdicatE~?d that tho So1:l.otaing chaxz€;US should be rnade ~tc, tP~e
<br />araiz~uteso o.rz page 22 the in:inute5 should ixaclica:ce t.h~t the C_i.'ty x'1ann.ec
<br />Vai11. be i~ ct~e Ci~ty Gez~'cer orz ~the lst and 3:rd ~~ionday , ol eac}.:i nzon~tkiy
<br />on pa.gF 32 whex~e the minu~te;s :iczd~.ca~~e ~b}aat ~-ir.:>, Sca.lze ~,ras in favor oi a
<br />t~ri i.n ten dup:l.~x ~r.ova.sioxz ttzat statenGent ~kzou.:l.d be clari:fiecl b,y :iridic~,l;i.ri~;
<br />bh.a,t Iirs, uca-i_ze Tae,s not iza .f.a.vor of axiy cluplexes~ but i~: ts:ae Gaty granbs
<br />a~ in .10 :provasion9 rlrs. ~calze dS.d siot Yee_!. ~h:is 'c•~as i'air to the o~her
<br />9,property otaners; on ~age L~ uncler the su.bject; dea.~lin~ ~rr.itk~ senior r,i~tizen
<br />def'eriraents, the m:i_nu~i;~;s should :irzdica~Ce tha~t a, senior c3:t:izen ~~raay zio~t~~ get
<br />~ ceAFerxn.cxrt unl.ess tkze.rE ~s a, :~ardship ra;tkier than ~~shall not~~,
<br />t>ir, ~E'ahey isidi.ca,te~l ~Pia.t oxz ~>age 30 of the ra_lnut;e;; i.~t shotitild sta;~e 'that
<br />itlr. :E~ahe,y ,tated he did rxot caxe to ca7.1 'the ~~questiorz~~ ~;o ~bkle mo~tion i.C
<br />the o~ther Counci.lraexnbers *aF:r. e not .~r, epared tc~ voi e on, h.is nzo~~_on t~
<br />, _
<br />adverb:i.se b;~c; ~osrC_i.orz o.i' C~~ty :?.tborney :f'o:r _~9't;2,
<br />,;;:: i~!axc;:ixzi. z.r~:c.roducer, ~hc; tbl.lozain~; x~esolut9_on snd moved :~s ado~tion;
<br />rc,~,so:~t11~~[o~d ~o0 8i~-zz.-C~Sb -- ~~~~rzcvi:Av~ atd , ~urr.,vU;~~Us oz~, ~rz~~
<br />OC`POtii;R 2,19 i it~GiiL~,i~ COliid(,tJ A1~~;~`fN(1 cJa:`i't[ Jxt.i; GUTLIYI;A
<br />~ ~l4iL"~A~i]JA`l. ;~'•I`.~ ~:;
<br />j'~2.~'F, ^.~.^
<br />