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Mz~u•rrs or ~ri~zz; z~r.eur,~~a ~rr;~rlNc <br />OITY CODNCIL <br />LI7'TI,L' CANADA, P-tINNESO'CE~ <br />At;enda <br />Item No. 1 <br />Agenda <br />I[em No. 2 <br />Appr.oval. <br />Of. The <br />M~i.mxtes <br />Agenda <br />Item D7o< 3 <br />}?ur.suanC to due ca11 and noCice thereo:[ a regular of Che <br />Council of the City of Little Canada, Mi.nnesota aas hel.d on tl~ <br />14t11 day of July, 1982 in the Counc~.i1 Chambers of tite C:i.ty Center <br />located at 515 J.,:ittl.e Canacla Road i.n sai.d City. <br />Ju1y 1.4, 19F3? <br />Mayor Raymond llanson and called the meet~ing to order at <br />7:34 P.M. an~ the follow~in~ wer.e preseni: at rol.l. call: <br />MF,MBERS PRESRNT: <br />ALSO PR7?StiNT: <br />T7ayor. <br />Counci.lman <br />Council.rnan <br />Counci.l.woman <br />Counci.lwoman <br />Ci.ty Clerl< <br />Ci.ty Ati:orney <br />Consul.tin4; Engineer <br />C~i.ty Plartner <br />Recor.ding Secretary <br />NIr. Raymond I-lanson <br />Mr.. M:ichael Pahey <br />R1r. Denni_s Porsber~ <br />Mrs. Mugs Nardi.n:i <br />~Qrs. Bevcrly Scalze. <br />P9r. Joseph Chl.ebec!< <br />Mr. 'l"kiomas Sweeney <br />Mr. Donald Car7.ey <br />Mr.. E3rad Ni.elson <br />Mrs. ICatkileen G1~nzer <br />Mrs. Nar.dini. i.ndi.cated that Che fol.lowi.n,<.; correcti.ons should be rnade <br />i.n the .June 73, 1982 Council meeti.n~; m:inuCes: <br />On pa~e 2, 3rd p~ragrapl~ tLie coord "not" shoi.ild be e1~.imi.nated i.n <br />the second l.ine; <br />In the middle of pa~;e 3 i.t was Mrs. A\ardin~. who as!<ed Che Att:orne.y's <br />opi.n~i.on, not P4r.. llanson; <br />On page 7, i4r. Anthone's question to tl~e Counci.7, was, "Does anyone <br />on [his CounciJ. have a interest in this property?". <br />itt,-s.'s reply Caas, "Xou musC mean me and I have absolirtely <br />no interest whatsoever.," ASrs, i.ndi.caced that Che <br />~i.nsinuati.on was prompCed by the presence of. a used truclc <br />o~hich Pire I;quipinent Comp~ny had sol.ct to an emplo~ee <br />o.( @4r. Kroiss'. <br />On page 14 the fo1.].o~,+ing phr.ase should be added to the end oE the <br />sec.ond ~~aragraph, "si.nce Vadnai.s lle:ight:s and Rosevi.l.le charp;e 7.% <br />ot Che total amowit of Uondi_ng which adds consi.derable f:unds to <br />theis C:ity coffers", <br />On page 7_3, tk~ird para~raph from tkie bottom the word "should" should <br />be changed Co °cotd.d not". <br />Mrs. Scalze i.ndicated that the change should be made to pa~;e <br />7_7_ of the mintrtes~ the 6th p~ra~;rapti, "Mrs. Scal.ze reported Chat the <br />Parl<, Commi.ssion has recommended undergr.ound electrical service in <br />Page -1- <br />