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•i (;d[Pi'.~il,`i <br />Ci_t~~ Counc'i.l. <br />nct:, 27, i.^~;2 <br />'P i~~ L+;ee 7 nr Ci. C~ At!:ori~iey r~~,,ortr~ ) C~i?i: l~~~ Couiit y;1oar~l ~ is approved CSe <br />Fi'1vr,!. C~i:y's r~~ci~iesC to nu[ciza thc t ix Cpriei Ced pro?2arty oz~ 'i~i,ri.n I,ake <br />?rope:-ry ';l~vd. <br />A~•enda .`,ir i celi ~ts!<ed tahr_r:c i'~c ri.[y ~a ill r.,et t~ie money t <br />~ o ~>;iy ,[or ttti.s <br />Ti~.s; i~'.o. 'I_3 pr~,~er ty. T'!ie Ci i~ C;7.erlc ~epl~i.e~a t t~ie ~~noncy ~:ai_11. <br />.haC crnac I'_rom cPie <br /> Gi.i:y's coiii~ns;ea~c y fund unti.l. i_f: i s cE~~placerl, <br />Par< ScreeC The nri:oxneq subm:~tCed to t:he Counc~il th~ comnl.c.t-d pc~~er:or'.c i:or <br />the ~;oun~i_1's action of '~ctob~r 7~ with ~c~ard ~o il~~~ P~t,c >t.rer:! <br />Noii '1Qencio -i~~iprpverienC, '"hr ftt:COrn~} coia~n£iiite~l thaC a r.oniplct.~ion nriCr,~ of <br />:[~~~n i)'o. 1 Jul.~/ 3ly 1`3R3 P~as t~een set Eor T'tt;; impr~ovemenL. <br />The Att:orney C~~t~~ ?t0~-SO Conr;reictix~g ha~~ s;ibrnittc;d a <br />p~ a for,~.ianc:~~ bond and that ti>ey bc,;an ~aork on thic~ ~,roj~-~cl ~~tond.aye <br />7nc inoinc-e,r sCatod ChaC tne storn se~~,v~r ~i_ 75% conpleP_e tincl_ <br />1 Gt. ,aaCe~~na.i.n ~oi.l.7. be cor~lel:e a~ac;~?c from The road <br />,~'tJ_ be ~ rad~-~d tan~i tl~~¢ :~r,~ve1 ba ~~:.n,tr11.1c;~L I'~i~~_ btac!~t:op <br />wi.11 not '~e doac ~ni.s year, towev~r, thc road ~a(1.l ?>e nt ~ab1.^ <br />Cl~i;.s <br />''otr:son Ave. '['u~ ~;n,~in~~or rep~tLe3d tl~i,r. iu-, has 1oo#ce<l at ~hrri.son Aveu~ie a~~id <br />foiP~d tiizC tiie taircet -i.s v~~-y L1Ett., Ttt< ' stated lhat Lliere <br />A~ endzt ~i.s no <:r~o~~n ori tlz~ st~reet ~ncl, ~ hrre[orc , the *,~~~t er si.t:s on the <br />ICe~n ?,`•o. 1!;~ strr:~et.. <br />11i~ ~3ng:i.necr sub~i•It~.^c,l C}lree po<„ for coi.reCCi.on oi. the <br />~~rob].ems ~~~Cf'~ tk~c sCrcet.. Tl~ie f:i_rst ~aoi~ld b~> Co complc~~tcly r~bu~17.G <br />i'ic road ane nut -i.n stoiri >eracr aC ti co t oE J;76,000, 'Cne <br /><'eco~ncl ~.vo~ild be t~ ro,l~~ii Ld Ch~-~ z~~~i~ wi.t:iio~tt the Sr~w~=.r at a cost. <br />of ;4:3,000, ~iz~d ;lic Lhird cao~il.d !~e co d;.,; ~~p an~l re„lo C`ie bz,~d <br />;~ort~i.on o~ +:he si-reet and ovcrlay C.he ~aliole stx~et ac a cos~ of <br />,;33,OOQ. <br />',i,. Sc~ilze poinCC<I ouC thaC Che 0!.Cy':zas no no].i_cry i.n a caise li'ce <br />thi_s. <br />? r< ;ianson co~nmenl..ed t:`ieit schc~o~l. ~uses add ~ l.o[. oE wear <~nd tr~.%tr <br />on ;t str~~i. ?~(r lo-.~,~e~ry; com,n[,iCed tf~it l:h;_s :i_s no different <br />Chan an !~STC bus. <br />?ix;. "cal c,tel^d ~ha.t ..Zr, car. ;e;e ~ahy chc CounZy mai.azlai.ns :i.ts <br />xoads aC no cost to tne. ~'~i~(ti_nn prone~~-ey o~oner:~ I,>ecaus~. Chiese <br />roads t;rc~ u,ed by c~veryone, . <br />i'h_a b"ahey conunentc~l Ckiac wh~~n Ch< <aatcr ia-in ~tent :in on (~...,, sC.reet <br />,i.t w1s z~~ ver resiii~L~lcnad. C{rs. ~`~ardini. reF~l.l.ed that ~.f: ~i.c iroad 'iaid <br />been resux'facecl, tlie; oroperf:y o~.iners ~aou?cl `itive oecn as e;s2cl f-;or- ~i.C. <br />Pagc -t1- <br />