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`:(17vU'C~'.: i <br /><;ity Ootmci.7. <br />OcC. 27, 't9f37_ <br />~~? =1r ~'atiey ~incroduced tl'ie fo7lowi.n; resolu~t-i.on and rnoved i_t; cidoX~C~.on¢ <br />(Cont,) <br />RIsSOI,U'CSON F~?0. 37_~-1(7--539 -- <br />(~°PROVIV~ f}l?' i~Ti~lll.,;?.r C)7 'J';-iP; <br />0~'POBr~iT ].3, 7.9;1~. COUNC7I 'J,7's'fI~1G <br />~ I'ili 'i'i~ nl1'P1,I."~') CORK1 ('T70A6 <br />'C)ie f'ore.;;oiil; resol.ut-i.on was .;econdeci by ;1r,. Scal.zco <br />,~~yes (_i) I'ahe9, Sc ~il ~.e, h:.~r~lin ~, '-{ai~ison, . orsoe:ro. <br />tiayes l0). <br />T'eso7.uti.on decl.~ired adopCCd. <br />"J'~i-s resolution a~~ixairs ~.n `:eso'1~U:~i.on Soo'c t~io. 8, r'~~~;~• 4~53. <br />P-h:~s. "lardi~ii_ ir!t.roduced the Pol_l~>iing resoluC~i.on axid movcd, its ac(opi:ion: <br />PiiSOLi;'CIO'~I y0. Y,2-LO-.`i40 _. <br />AI'P1~OVT~~ T{II~: 7.~~1. :;fi ~-'-.1,7-Il' <br />nC P(~;_;tilZ 'I.S, ].932 COUt.1C1I ~~h:r:'p1~.D7<t <br />'Che fore„oiu; resolue.ion ~a<ac dul~ seconded <br />F\ycs Ci) '7~rdi_ni., ?o~ sbe,-;, ;lnnson, Sca]_ae. <br />i;lages (0), <br />Resolut i.on<I nctopCCd. <br />Thi.s resolution nr~,~Ears iu Resolution 'ioolc <br />by i-!r. :~orsbers;. <br />, Fahey. <br />i10, i', 'gr.;~, CF ;G., <br />!t'lucl,lcar Pd.~yor '[lanson opcne.d Cl~ie. publi_c n<<u'i.n; fbr consi~lcr~tf~ion of appro~ral <br />Sndu; o( i.ndu,Crial. revm~ii~e bonds ~i.n the amount of ~:~00,000 f~>r Che L:i_ttle <br />P,,eve,nue C~~u~ir,la P~r:~ ~r-_;sion:al. Par!e. `Phe !~w~id, hziv~ been r~.ouasted ~~~ '_z. <br />:`~onds ;\, ~. .~u~,t].er. <br />~~;enda 'P'i< *.~- r,r~is no otle p~.ese-nc ob ject.i.u!; to I.:he app~roval. o;: t.lic sE` bo~uls. <br />I~ent N,o. It <br />!ir F1'uey ~i.nt.zod~i<ecl the fo~.~lo=~tu~i~; resolut~ion an1 mov<~d :.i.s adopCi.on: <br />??P;601~UTION i`i0. ?2--7.0-S~tl. _. <br />Cf~)II~?I i ~~,r-»;j,r IC i.~~(~".iNG ON <br />.[-L~!; A.: ,1}i,Lt, l:pU1''SJ ~'Ol: <br />I ~'p1157'~' I ^T. ..t?,Vi ~~iJ" t3~iA?)S <br />'CU f.oi'e.s•nrn;; x'csolu[:i.o~~i ~vas du~l~ secondrd `>y `-[r-. CJerdixti. <br />ta~e> (il~~';~'iey, h`nr~lini.,, ~besbe,r., danson, <br />:;faye,> (il), <br />1:etso7.ution ~leclared adoD~ed. <br />'Cns r~solut:i.on nppears u~ '~csc,>1.uCion ?,oo'< ?ic. E5, "az,e G.~~i. <br />Pii;. 8calic a<;Ice~-1 i.f tilc Co~mci.1 ~~is n, to ;look at tl~e ptaris ior <br />th~• oif:i_ce pairl- be[oce crnzs'dn~r~.i~ig a~~~proval. of t.Le bonds. It ~aa, <br />Cne < oL tlxe Counci_]. to r~a4~~ aci:~.ion on the bond f~.e~st, <br />(''i;:;~. --~.... <br />