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~i"C~IlITRS <br />C~i.t-y Council. <br />Oct. 2~7, 1.982 <br />~<la <br />Li l i l~ C;2nr ~P 3he;y Stat ~cl C:~-~ak .~, was not -in f_avor nE c~~ang~in~ the oi -l i.n2nce <br />. <br />h~~il 6:i.~nas;~ t>ecftuse o~2~. bus'i.n~;,s wztnts dLf:C~r'm'it Lcerzt,nq~'it. t~~t2n oth~c peopl~. <br />(ConC.) r't~~.~y 6 CaCed th~.t he d~Ld not ,er,. a iinrds'ij.p i.n t~i.s :insi~nice to <br /> ~.aarrant <t vaeietncc. ''lr. 'a]-~ey a;lted liow ~nanp tEnanCS nroposrz,d <br /> Cor t~~ie ma1.1. <br />"(r >,ro<ly ropl.-i_ec~ Chal:: t~here could be ~rom l(? Co 12 tci~.int_s. ''ir. <br />dirody t~i?C Che C:i_ty eoo~iL~7 kiave morc coratrol un~ler a <br />v.u'i.ance C~.}~an und~c t~an or~li.nance ~~~enctinenl.. <br />'~^r. [~"ahey ~cl>t~i.ed the~t t~m-e aer~. no s,,~>e~i_al. cir~i.~mst~tn<<~~ jusLifyin; <br />a vac:i.;ince. <br />`~~Y,s. Scalze corn:n~nt:eri 1~_hat. other encloscd maLls do not 'iava o~.itdoqr <br />.> ~;?nage, <br />S~.r Tlarc-i.n~i. inc;ui_re~l lip~ '~i~; the ;>~~lons ~aould bc. ~`9r. Bro<ly r;~I.ied <br />!ha( tkiey have a11~~caCeti 1?0 squarc ~'cet: £or earh qf thr py',Lor:s, <br />?•r, '~~hEay s.I~~tcd f}iat he ~vas noC ~i.n favor oE ;r<ir~li„<> ~ va.r-i.artce <br />nnd ~xoul~l 1 i_=<ae Co ~,aioea k~o~o r~ucn square ~ o~~ ,t9>^ r>~ i.~ na~ r, t'~iere i.., <br />e~t 9 ha~ "'l~r'.ct 1'1 -cc. Fahey C1io~i;;Fit th<~( i'ie f i_ve f:oot s t~;n ban <br />fiE'.BlOfrl ~.:li"n<~, <br />~~~i_,. i<!ar<luii. ,isi;c~~ wtiat amount of- squ~xrr Coota„e i.s a1Jo~ae~i i.tnder <br />I lie 10"/, 1 irn,i.t. `tr. ~ru~y r,cpl.:i_t-~u ¢.hat h30 s~~u.~ic. EceC ,,,+ou7.d b~, <br />.n l. to~:~ed . <br />'~a. ,. Scal ~~ ca^~;n°uCect CI,aC tnc two py'Lo~s a<lels Co tne t?E rc~~nt~~~e <br />thaC 9i'cin~; 'i?artn~.rship i.s; r~qU< i i.nh. 'P!~ie ;'' 5taLed that <br />~-t does a~d to i_t and nlsu `L;'~-1 ~ a,lc~i_n; i:or si. u~~;~~~ Pac~i.n,n, hoth <br />on Ri.ce ` I r^et and ?[iru~e ,oCtt. <br />.i'. ';rod} i i.;teri s~me oi L:he &qii<<rc f.oo[ t,e the v~iriqu:. '~us i ue _~es <br />n^ r'~c~uesting for. Cliei_r ~.,ns and coennented th..C tl~E 1.y200 ~aould <br />I7c a m~ximum 1•id i:~1e ~~ip;~.irc could be. l.e_5 [.!~an 1,~)00. <br />~~ir, 13rod~ ;taCec, ~haL t_he ~~naU. ; bx~in~; i.c n~ea busi.ii.~.>~s and -iri <br />I.'ce ctin-enC bus:iu~_ss cLi<<iat:e th~~y w:i.l.'L i,ced tt:t1 t;i~ asc~stance <br />no~sit,~1.e. "ttocly st~iP:e~1 that the C:i.ty coul~t hel.n C)'~e ~~u.~:_nesses <br />'~y a1ta.~iup; ti_ic;n eo adv~rL-i.,~. '?z'od}~ ,lat.ed Cliat I~ce di.d not feel <br />I.~ey ~acr. tslci.n;, for anytlzi_ng e~tt;tv.t;an[ aet<i }ta9 jusCif ~~'~le <br />rati_ona1c for as.ci_ni;, tor i:iic i.i~cra~~se, <br />'t.r. ilrody ;L<ite~l th,zt the mall ~a~i11 heiv~, s~ron~; contt'ol over t'~~e <br />conten(. oC t~ie : i„ns ~.n t i~-~!.r l~ saes. <br />Groci~r al ~.o ,~ass~'d oul:. p~~Ciu'cas of I~te ~'~sa~vi_11.e S)ZOI:~p'i_n>, CenCe~' <br />*an~i_ch htis a`iour toot sivn ba~. `4r. ?33_oc!~ poi.nCed otU:. ChaC <br />'linnesotsi SCre~~t i.s ri,~C ,i majoa- t'~~rpu„ifar~~. <br />;`~igt:~ - ~;- <br />