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P4INUT~S 01~ 'CHF., RP]GUI,AR MEP:,T:[NG <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LI'CTLI? CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 1 <br />A~;en<ta <br />Item No. "L. <br />Pursuant to due call and notice ther.eof a retular of the <br />Counci.l of the City of: I,~ittle Canada, Minnesota was held on the <br />f3th ciay of I)ecember, 198?_ in the Council Chambers of the CiCy <br />Center located aC 515 Little Canada Road a.n sai.d City. <br />December 8, 7.98? <br />'Che Mayor, Mr.. Raymond 1~lanson, chaired the meeein~; and cal.led :it Co <br />order aC 7:37_ P.M. and the f.o7.lowing ~oere pr.esent at roll. call: <br />MPP4t31;RS Pi2L'SENT: <br />AI,S(~ PRESPNT: <br />Dlayor <br />Councilman <br />Counci.lman <br />Counci.lwoman <br />Councilwoman <br />City Clerk <br />C:ity At.torney <br />Consulting F,ngi.neer <br />Recording Secretary <br />Mr. Raymond I~Ianson <br />P9r. Michael I~'ahey <br />Mr. Dennis Forsberg <br />P1rs. ~tugs Nardin~i. <br />Mrs. I3everiy ScaLze <br />14r.. JosePh Chlebeclc <br />Mr. James 0'Connor <br />Mr. Donald Carley <br />Mrs. Kathleen Glanaer <br />APPr~"~1. Mrs. inciicated that Che correcti.ons should be <br />Of ~'Ite m~de to the November 24, 1982 meetinfl minutes: <br />MinuCes <br />On page 7, tlae Sth paragraph the phrase "due Co the <br />Agenda additi.on oL t11e northern suUurbs" should be added to <br />7tem D]o. 3 the last senCence i.n that. paragraph; <br />On the same page, second paragraph f.rom the boCtom <br />the pltrase ~~~:md eLiminaCe the station" s)tould <br />be el.iminated from the [irst sentence; <br />On page 13, the fi.rst paragraph~ Mrs. Nardini was <br />referrinp to Spoon I,alce rather tl~an Lalce Gervais. <br />T4rs. Narclini introduced the to ll.owi.n~; resol.ution and moved i_t:s adopCion: <br />RGSOLUTIODI N0. 82-1.2-605 - <br />APPROVtNG 'PHP MINUTES Of,~ 'CHP <br />NOVEMI3FR 24, ].9£37 COUNCIi, MPP,TLNG <br />GIITH T,HL ABOVP OUTLINPD CORItECTI0N5 <br />The f.or.egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr. I~or.sberg. <br />Ayes (5), Forsbero~ Tahey, Ilanson, Scalr.e. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Reso].uCion declared adopted, <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears in Resoluti.on 13oolc No. 8, Pa~;es b0£3 and 609. <br />Pa;e -1- <br />