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~rr~i[trrs oe •rxr srrcznt, ~trrrTtvc <br />CITY COUDICI.L <br />LI7'TLi: CANADA, ."1INNI:SO'CA <br />Decembe~r 9, 1.982 <br />Pur.suant t:o due ca11 and noti.ce Chereof. a; of the <br />Coimci.l of the C~ity of. L,~it[1e Canad~, :~linnesota was hel.d on the <br />9th c9ay of December, l9£32 a.n the ~ouncil Chambers of the City <br />Center located af: 51.5 Li.Ct1e Canada ?2oad i.n sai_d Ci.ty. <br />'Ihe C4ayor, Mr. Raymond Hanson, ch~ired and called the meet~ing to <br />order at 7:00 P.M. axid the wer.e pr.esent at ro11 ca11: <br />`1EMf~l?RS Pi2rS1iN'f: <br />P4ayor <br />Cotmcilman <br /> <br />Counci.l.woinan <br />Counc~il.woman <br />Mr. Raymoncl Hanson <br />Mr. Mi.chael. T'ahey <br />Mr. Dennis Torsberg <br />Mrs. Miigs Nar,clini <br />P1rs. ~Beverly Scalie <br />ALSO PR1:SIiN'C': <br />Ci.ty Clerlc <br />Consulting Engineer <br /> Secr.etary <br />Mr. Joseph Chlebeck <br />Mr. Donald Carley <br />Mrs. i<athl.een Glanzer <br />Gervais L,alce i4r. Flanson reported that the ~~urpose of: tonighC's special. Counci.l. <br />Se~aer meeting was to lir.i.n~ back the Metropol.itan Wastc Contr.ol Cornm~,i.esion <br />:Cnterceptor and ~i.ts representing ent;i.neer Co anscoer furCher questi.ons on the <br />I.ine L,alce Gervai.s IntercepCOr L:ine and to pr.esent the C9.Cy inf.ormati.on <br />on routes that. have Ueen studi.ed and b~c~t~;round i_nformat:ion. <br />Mr. Don Ri.n2rose, t:l1e engineer. r.epr.esenting tt~e MWCC,appear.ed befor.e <br />the Council.. Mr. Ri.ngr.ose staeecl th~t the ~r.eas )1e wishecl to cover <br />at the meetinp ~include the necessity for an environmental impact <br />statement, di.sucssion of. acquis:iti.on of casements and ri.~;ht-of-ways, <br />concerns about tlte i.rnpact on the 1ake, and t1~e ,tatus of the <br />stnti.on on Eds;erton. <br />Mr. R~inpeose reported that t.he issues go back to 1963. In 1963 <br />Whi.te ~3car Lalce was problem with its tre~tment Eacil~ity. <br />[ ~le1r Laice had to decide ~ahether to build a ne~a treatmenC plant <br />or Co connect to the Ci.ty of. SC. patil. i~tii_Ce I3ear deci.ded to connecr. <br />~into ehe St. ~Pau1 sewer lines and builC a pumping station which ti~ey <br />thoughC woul.d last them f.or 10 years. <br />When Wl~i.te Bear did thi.s, other saw the opportuniY..y. <br />Mr.. Ringrose commented that the reason Canada di.d not. run i.ts <br />sewer line dourn hip,hway 61. w1s at the time, 1963 to 7.966, t?~ere was <br />no ~i.n exi.stence. <br />In 1.966 thr.ough 1.96$ Little Canada ini[iated tits own sewer system. <br /> after di.scuss~i.ons startec.l, the of Vadnai.s !-iei.ghts and <br />'dhi.te 13ear Townshi.~ saw the need for. sewer i.n thei.r commun~i.ties. <br />'Pktese three col.lectively <les:i.~ned and began to i.mplement a <br />sani.tary sewer system. <br />Pa~;e -1- <br />