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~i-NU~r~rs or Txr snr,c:[ni. Mrr~rzNc <br />CT.'CY COUN(:7:I. <br />LITTLE CANADA, A4INNGSOTA <br />9 <br />Pebruary ?_~, 19£33 <br />Pur.suant to due ca11 a closed sess~i.on o£ the"9Council. of. the Ci.ty <br />o£ Little Canada, Minnesota ~aas helcl on the ~h~d day of. ['eUruary, <br />1.983 i.n t:he Counci.l. Chambers of. t:he C:i.ty Center located at 51.5 <br />Littl.e Canada Road i.n said City. <br />Mayor Raymond Hanson chaired the and call.ed it to or.der <br />and the ~aere present at roll call: <br />PQGM,~ERS PRCSPN'C: Mayor P~r. Jtaymond lianson <br />Councilman nTr. Oennis Porsberg <br /> Mr.. hichael Pahey <br />Counci.7.woman Mr,. Mu~s Nard:in;i <br />Councilwoman ~lrs. I~everl.y Scalze <br />Ai~SO I7RrS1ZN'I': Ciry Clerk Mr. Joseph Chlebeclc <br />Ci.ty Attorney Mr. 'Phomas Sweeney <br />~losted Ttie Ci.ty Attorney presented to the Counc:i.1 his letter dated P'ebr.uary <br />Property "1_, 19£33 recomm~nding the City accept tl~e proposed settl.ement offer <br />to the P9ost:ect 1.iti.gat:ion. The proposed purchase pri.ce for the <br />property is $?6,600. <br />Mr. Fahey intr.oduced the followiuo re,ol.ution and moved its adogt:Lon: <br />RPSOLUTI01u N0. 83-2-73 - APPI20VNN G'Ct~tl? <br />PURCI~IASI: AGRL;I:MENT FOR A PORTION OF' 'CHI; <br />MOS"CEll PROPE.R7'Y AS R~COMMTNDED I~y THE CITX <br />ATTORNi;Y IN 1IIS LT:TTER DATSD ['E13RUARX ?_, <br />19f33, PURCI-IASIi PRICI3 $26,600 <br />The forenoing resolut:ion o~as dul.y seconded by Mrs. Scalze< <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, Scalze, Hanson, Porsber~, Narcli.n:i.. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ut::ion declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resolution appears i.n Resoluti.on floolc Dlo. 9, Page 75. <br />Adjourn Mr. T'ahey i.ntroduced tkie resolut:i.on and moved its adopti.on: <br />RESOLUTION NO< 83-2-74 - F~UJOiIRN <br />The fore~oing resol.i.itioa~ was duly seconded by Mrs, Scalze, <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Scalze, Hanson,, Porsber~. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declarecl adopted. <br />Tliis r.esolution appears zn Resol.uti.on Bool< No. 9, Paf;e 76. <br />Pa~;e -1.- <br />