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. ....!~d`J'i: T',!i' <br />C;.t:~ Cointcil. <br />;\u;i!.st: Z/;, 1.`„3 <br />, <br />E)i~~,<r~ale r~r. 712nsou ~-et~orC:~.~ tnat .r. Dtic~~ti,nc has in[nrmc;'~:~~n [IZaC he <br />Ptac ctoes not: ~~~nt hi.s proY,os~~~' Lot 2 t_o cave to use 'z _., dri-vF+coa7 <br />foi ~1cce.s:s, '.~tr. u~ ~erme Las i~di_c ^.t:ed ( lit:t '~u., ,~l L scl.l. r.lie <br />n~-.~nda i~rnicrty z~.i s:i.n,~r p~iecc iE ti~,it .~ thF. c~isc, <br />Iie~n !:o. 5 <br />'Ci~c 7'lunn~i s,C~tted t.h~it t ic reason for th:.s rcqtt rr :xtnC ~ s th_i~ <br />CotuiCy 'o~~,.l `1_2 i ~,i~liip tr.z~vclx~ nc.i.~;h5orhooc ~~.i~eeC an,' C}~~e <br />an'ca ~in qi<.st;.on ~i.; or. a h.i1.l.. ' ~~r~f~rr, tSc =? C~~1C that <br />C~~~ ~u~nber oE curl., cut.s o~t :;-'L s~oul:1 b~~ iini.mize:d. <br />T`,e '1ann.r a'Lso uoint-.fld out [liat Lhc Cily _s m~' ir? „r> 'Jucharine <br />a concess~:.o,1 oq not requi, i~~; ;i;.~~ t~~ iv,pr'ovc i_l~ie tre~r~~t f~a:' his <br />nO:ne. <br />'f'.,<>. Pl.zmnrr sC.aCCd that !?c c~ieb c.uC~ :,_,su~~. is onc~ ~~f ;~ub7 i_c s~~Let.,r, <br />"r !t~ai~so~~ poini:^c! out Cli'it `i~,-< <~uc,rtr,uc i.s cnr?carn~~d ziboiii-ma~i.izl;~inin~S <br />C'~~ rlr'iveway i^ Lh~ ~,o~i.nCer f'or Ci s Sor.~~e. ',Che, Pl.etnner < i,e,tcri l.liztt: <br />'-,r. Du<;hieu-,~e could enter ~i.r'ilo sorie sorC oi nn ~!~i~e,nenC aiC~ tli~-,. <br />puxc t:a5e3r o(' t.:he prope~t'Cy Co cov~r Cli:i.3, 'fhe pl~nner poinG~~d. <br />ouC Ciiat t_"-1r. ~)i~clarme i.~riprove~ t:he sCiset, t:hc Ci.ty would Cako, <br />~i_C OvCi:- RRCI i;111:i.nt~-LTt _~_t_, <br /> 2.(r. r'ahe'.r ,Ca(°ec': t~.h~~.C i.E Cl~e own~:r of 'lot. 2=.aezntrd Lo s;eC <>ut of hi, <br /> hou[;e in ihe *, he w~>uld I,<zvc Cp t6il.a~ care oE i.t< <br /> -'~!~. ~'oz,b~.~.t sC.a~ted t.liat 'Ze di_d noC fecl. ~'~ic Ci.c.p should the <br /> u~rb cuC for a Couiorrning l.ot. 'ir< Ducli,n~me*.'s ai,irit: is u<~1 i.~nCa;rested <br /> in; hcr ~~rnoerl~ etnd, li~erefore, :iC ~aould only iuean Lnro <br /> ac;d'~Cioneil. curb cuCS on County Roaid L'-2., <br /> 'I'i~ Ylanner poi.iited but thac. i_n ~zny subdzv,.sion i.i: is re~conimend~n t:liat <br /> tJ~ie houses are dc;i~;ned Lo acce,s off the lowcs~. volui~,~.•. 5[re^t.. <br /> The Pl.Unne~r also ~~ointed out ?:hat ',~e'. I)ucharn~e's proper,ty o~~ G~hich <br /> hi.s l.~ou>c woul.d hc locatcd wou1C1 have~ to have 75[~. of `rrontei~;e. <br /> a~t the '~~~ l.r,!i.ri~; 7 ine C.o be consi.~ as hav_i.n~ fronta ;e ori a~n <br /> i!;~;~rover.l ; 'J'he planner staCed thaC hic d~.C<i r~oc kno~.! c,.~c.n t1~~e <br /> ot~~e~r ,~roperc.~ c~ou1.CI devel.on, Sut L'e1C C'~nt ~he~ recommen~lat:i.on ~aas a <br /> vali_d onc.. `i'lie PJ.anncr f~ted thit. thert. i_s a notent~i_~~l o` 'I_0 or 11 <br /> ]nl , ~ahe~~ t.he r1d~<<cent. pz-opcrt~.~ i~v~°.7.ops. <br />3'001~ d~r,. ?latc'~i;~~i. renortec~ thnt there ie a poo~ ln tFlc „iLy lu,L '~ao h41d C~'ie <br />~ <br /> 1~icr rernoverl. <br />,,;1c Leric~• ~uround. tl~~is n~ol ~i_s inc~<~. rs. A':xrdi_n~i <br />~lo~~ ~u;end~~ s f al ^..d Cii~l i~er r~u~sC~i.on ~ is ~ai~<a1,1or hhe nool wa, r,1..i_1.1 coi~siclared ~.~ <br />7t~~~u "oa 1. oool_ r;,:ct~ ~~~, 1.ii2er not ,n ~1.;.;ce-. Ii so, t'~e :i_„ue o~ tl~e ~inco~i7~'.eto <br />~ <br /> CCIIC~ "10U~.~ Ilr~t1('_ CO I~~ ~Ci Il 65SP.C~. <br />'l5~e Uu:i ~.~ t~~ Insp ~.ctor a~.~~d 1,f rhe Ecnce caould hxvo Co h~ ;~aint,ni.ned <br />io~ ~ahzit ni.,;ht n~r,r bc rnn ~ l~~rer1 a ho].a> n th~~ ground. <br />i~,,~?r~ _17_. <br />