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~a (~:;U C~i;i 'CO ( I~ : RP;G(JC A'~ i tT~li"PTP~C; <br />CT'CY COti\'C7i,, ~ <br />Ll'I Pf,l? CA~~A')A, '~[:I ~!'~~t; i0'I'n <br />As;enrla <br />7tem AIo< 1 <br />!\~;end~ <br />Itern No. 2 <br />ndl, ~:((:O(3T' <br />r'ic'lrl ';ep. <br />I°or "c:nacor <br />Bos~hwri.Cz <br />.q~{~liti on <br />To ~genda <br />Pursuant to duc cal1. and not~i.ce. t.icxreof ~ regul.ur ot_~ C}ie <br />counci.l. of che Ci2:y of L,ittl.e Cnnad,i, `~Li.nnesot.~ vr~s l~ield on the <br />l.'Lth de.iy of: October, 1`-)f,?3 ~i_n the Counc~i.l Cliambers o,E Che Ci.ty <br />Center ~i.ocatecl at 5].5 L~i1~t.1~ Ca.riacla l:oad ~n sa:i.d Gi.ty. <br />October 1.2, 198; <br />`F.iyo:r `?aqe~ond Etanson cha:i.rcd tne .~~eet.~ing nnd cetl.led ~i.t to order <br />at 7:35 k.;4= Fmd 25e Fo',L9.os*:i.i1g urere yresent rol.1 ctll~l.s <br />itf t'r;;'S P~~r,SI~CDI'L': <br />ALSO PR~S~';itl^.: <br />>,'ayor <br />Cou,ic i.Lnan. <br /> <br />Couiici].won~an <br />C o u ric i lworna n <br />~lj.t_y C;1E'...-1~, <br />C:i.ty Gnginesr <br />City ACtornen <br />C;i.ty 1?leinne.r <br />":ecordi.n~; SecreCary <br />'~1r. Raq~.nond Ilanson <br />i:;r. P~[;.cl~ael. Fahey <br />t~ir. Dennis ror;si~er~; <br />;.:!YS< ,.rU~iS D;HCrj-i.Tli. <br />~•4rs;. Revcrly Sczilze <br />~ra Joscph Chl.ebe<1c <br />`:(r. D~n~l.<l CarLe~ <br />i-tr. 'Choma> Sweeney <br />Mra ;ite~ve Gr,ittman <br />Aix~s. i'.eat:hleen Gl.artcex~ <br />P~it '-Jeber, Fie1d. 'c.pre, for $en<ator Ru<ly -ioschwi.t.r, appeared <br />before Lho Council to rinswer s~ny quest~ions th~t:. the City ni,i.~ht hUVe. <br />'•'ii,. i•lebex~ ~.infor,nied h.he Counca.l C~~C the denate x.ecasscd wa.CFiout: <br />~PI' revenue sh.irs_n; fund ~. :t(i~'s. Fleber reporCec~ Chat. <br />[~.he SF:neit:nr is su aeat~ing that ~I.~st, yesz~'S fi;ur~ of' p4.6 bil7.ion <br />nlus a 5%, i_ncrease be anpi.o;>c"i.zttecl, 'P'rie ,i.ouse pt~,sc~d a[i_~;urc of <br />~5.02 bi.llion. <br />?~~rs, 4Jel~e~ .us~gested that the Ci_t.y seC iCs bucl~et at last ycar's <br />level, <br />Tl~ie C~i.ty Clcrl a~':ed i~[rs, `n7ebe~r if balancl.rig tYie "ecleca7 hiicl,~rt ~,oould <br />ne7.p the i.ntere ,t eat:e ;~~~oblem, <br />Mr,. C~~eSer submi.tted Co the Cleric a rou~;h drtsfi: of SenaP_or ;'s <br />f~xi.,r ;~1ay buctget. `~Ir. 'Bo;c} ~.- ugz;cstinj; a 5%, ,i.ncrease i.n the <br />bnd~et Lor the ne~C £:ive ~ears, ':L'he Senator i; assuini_ng tl~iat There <br />can bc al halanced budz;et ~md~r h~i-s progrrun ~i_n years t°[rs. <br />~~ESer askecl tl~iat Cno Oit:y rev:Ceur this proposal an~l ~ive 1~er Cnei.r <br />thou~hts on it. <br />?-?r< l~ahey a,kecl ?f~ a. k~eber co infox7n the Be~laCOr t1~zat ~he C~Lty soouLcl <br />].~i.1ce as ]ittl.e Tederal. irrvolvement :i.n ~iCS activielFS~, possl.ble< <br />P~.kiey reque>teil th;al be ~;:i_ven the nowex thcy need to mal:e <br /> for themsc:lve„ <br />Pm ;~~z -~--- <br />