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MIDNT[iS <br />Ci.ty Counc,il <br />.Jan. 1.1., 1984 <br />Planning <br />Commission <br />(Cont.) <br />Pire Dept. <br />Pensi.on <br />Tloard <br />(Cont.) <br />The foregoing resoluti.on was duly seconde<I Uy Mrs. <br />Ayes (5) i'ahey,, Aanson, Scal.ze, Porsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoluCi.on declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appeairs in Resolution lioolc No. 1.0, Page 2h, <br />Mr. P'orsberg indicated thlt he woiil.d li.lce to serve pnthe Fire Department <br />Pensi.on I~oard i.f. one of: the appoi.ntees prete m d not to. <br />Ytrs. Scalze ~.i.ntroduced tkie fol.l.owing resoluti.on and moved its ado~tiont <br />RESOLUTION N0. f34-].-7_0 - RGSCINDING <br />RESOLUTION 1~0. 84-1-17 <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconcted by Mr. Fahey. <br />Ayes (5) Scalre, i'ahey, Hanson, Porsberg, Nardin:i., <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti_on declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears i.n Resol.ution F3oolc No. 10, ]?age 27. <br />P1rs. intr.oduced the followi.n~; resoluti.on and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />R1iSOLUTTON N0. 8~r1-21. - APPOINTZN~ MR. <br />PORSIIGRG, MR6. SCAI.,Z£ ~ AND MR. IIANSOP] TO 'CHE <br />LITTLE CANADA FIRP DPPAK'TMENT PENSION BOARD <br />roR 19t34 <br />'Che foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr. Forsber~;. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini~ Forsberg, Hanson, Scalze, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declared adopted. <br />'Chi.s resoJ.ut~.ion appears i.n Resoluti-on T~ook No. 10, Yage 2f3. <br />Iimerp,ency The Ci.ty C1erk reported that the Cit:y is Co send i.n an <br />Servi.ces emergency servicesplan. The CLerlc reported that the Pire Chi.efs' <br />Association and the State Emergency Services DirecCOr gave the City <br />Agenda a copy of. wl'iat other cities are using. ~~Presently, the Publi.c WorLcs <br />Item 7.1.1 Superi.ntendent i.s on thi.s 2s he is wittl the equipraent <br />the City has and what other cities may have. <br />Mr. llanson stat:ed that he will ~;et together wit}i ~1r. Gl.anzer and r.eport <br />at the next Counci.l <br />Pap,e -15- <br />