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MSNUT~S <br />Ci.Cy Counci.l <br />Jan. 1.1~ 19~4 <br />4-Glay Stop <br />(Cont.) <br />7'horouflhLare <br /> <br />IIe~Cher <br />Oalc s <br />Agenda <br />Item 11.2 <br />P1rs. introduced the resolut:ion and moved :its adoption: <br />RPSOLUTION N0. 84-1-22 - RPQUI,STZNG THF COUNTY <br />TO S'CUDY THP POSSIi3ILITY OP A 4-WAY STOP A7' <br />TH~ TNTE,RSliC"CION OF LAT30RSs ROAD AND COUN'LY ROAD D <br />The for.ep,oin~; reso7.uCion was duly seconded by Mr. i'orsberg. <br />Ayes (5), i~orsber~, I~lanson, Scal.ze, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ltesoluti.on declared adoptect. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears i.n Resoluti.on Booic No. 10, Page 29. <br />'She Engi.neer reported that tk~e Ci_ty has a proposed thoroughfare <br />P).an through Che l~leather Oalcs property. }leather Oaks needs thi.s <br />delete<1 in order to file thei.r plat. <br />The Engineer recommended Chat the whole plan f.or the area Ue deleted <br />as most of. the property is already deve7.oped. <br />Council ~vas of: the f.eeling that it should only delete t:.he }teather <br />Oatcs portion and deal the rest of the as it comes up. <br />Mr. i'ahey introduced the resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLU7'ION N0. F34-1-7_3 - DELFTI~G TI~IF. <br />PROPOS]'sD T}IOROUGHFARP; FLAN TIdROtJGH 1'HI: <br />HI:ATHSR OAKS AUDZTION EXHIBIT-84-1- <br />r <br />Amendi.n,G <br />The <br />A~;en<la <br />Dlon-~genda <br />Item No. 7_ <br />'f.he resol.uti.on ~.aas dul.y seconded b~~14rs. Nardini.. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey,, Hanson, Porsberg, Scalze. <br />Nayrs (0). <br />ResoLution declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti_on appears i.n Resol.ut~ion S3oolc ~lo. 10, Page 30. <br />Mr. Fahey introducect the f:ol.lowinp, resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />R~SOLlJTION N0. 84-1-24 - AMENDING 'CHL AGENDA <br />TO I~IRAR TA~ MA'CTP,R OP THE CITY' S COMPIITF.R <br />SYSTIiM <br />The foregoing resol.uti.on was duly seconded by Mr. }[anson. <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, Hanson, Sca7.ze, nardini, Porsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolut4.on declared adopted. <br />Th:is 'reso7.ution appears ~in Resolution Bool< No. 1.0, Page 31. <br />page -7J- <br />