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AIINU'f.iiS <br />Ci.ty Council <br />~~~ Jan. ll., 1934 <br />Watermai.n P1r. Hanson commented that the City staf.f: i.nspects house connecti.ons. <br />i3reak (Cont.) <br />~tr. Carley stated that hi.s sCaf.f: also does pressure tests on the <br />watermains. <br />Sewer Mr. Forsberfl i.ntroduced tkie, reso7.ution and moved its adopCi.on: <br />School <br />RrSOLU'CIO~ N0. 84-1-27 - APPROVING THIi A'C.T.EDIDANCF <br />Non-Agenda OF JOP STE~LE AND DAN DRAl~~ AT SE47F.R SCHOOL <br />Item No. 3 ,lANUARY 18, 19 and 20, 1984 AT A COST OT' $45.00 <br />EACH <br />The resolution was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze.. <br />Ayes (5) Forsberg, Scalze, llanson, Nar<, Pahey. <br />nayes (0). <br />ResoluCion declared actopted. <br />'Lhi.s r.esolution appears in Resoluti.on Ilook No. 10, Pa~;e 34. <br />i3ui_lding '1rs. Nardini. introduce.d the Lo1.lowin~ resolution and moved i.ts adoption: <br />Off:i_ci_al <br />Meetinp ItESOLtJTIOPI N0. 84-].-1_8 - APPROVTNG 'LI~P ATTENDANCG <br />OP ~D LOCKP AT THE INTERNA'CIONAL MEP'CING OP <br />Non-Agenda T3UILDING OPFTCIAI,S A7' A COS'C OP' $80.00 <br />Item No. 4 <br />The f.oregoing r.esolution was duly seconded by Mr. l~lanson. <br />Ayes (5) ~ard', Ilanson, Tahey, T'orsberg, Scal.ze. ~ <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appears in itesol.ution I3oolc No. 10, Page 35. <br />Appo~i.ntment Ptrs. reported ti~at Chris Dralce contacted her and reque,ted the <br />Of Rop,er Council's support f.or the appoi.ntment of. Rop,er Lalce to the Washi.n~;ton/ <br />Lake Ramsey Metro Slatershed I3oarcL The boarcl is currenCLy worlcin~ on <br />Watershed and are concerned about Che Met:ro Sewer line <br />Non-Ap,enda proposed for under Spoon Lake. <br />Item No. 5 <br />~1rs< Narc.ti.ni_ introduced the resol.uCi.on and movect i.t:s aclopti.on: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 84-1-7_9 - DIRFCCING THAT A LI:1"CL;R <br />}3E S~NT TO 9'ftE COUNTY BOARl~ REQUESTING TI~IT <br />RL~,APPOINTMGN'C OP' ROC;ER LAK~ TO 7'HE WASHZNGTON/ <br />RAMSPY NIETR~J G/ATPRSFlIiD BOARD <br />The f:ore~;, reso7.uti.on was duly seconded Uy P1r. ForsUerg. <br />Ayes (5), Porsberg, (~lanson, Scalze, F~ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ui.t:on declared aclo}>ted. <br />This resoluti.on appears in Resol.ution ~loolc No. ].0, Page 36. <br />PaPe -71- <br />