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MINI)TES <br />City Council. <br />San. ].1, 1984 <br />Little Canacta Mrs. Scal.ze pointed out that the poi.nt thaC was made at the worlcshop <br />Day Care coas that once ehe water li.nes are in, it is not that much more [o <br />(Cont.) sprinkLer the remai.nder oL a building. <br />Mr. Krejci asked ho~a it would talce to get the State's opinion. <br />Mrs. Scalze r.ep7.i.ed that the City should have some idea on i.t by <br />thenext Mr. Sweeney stated that he would tal.ic to the State <br />F3uildin~; Department. <br />Mr. Porsber.g informed Mr. ~Srejci thac the 2,000 square foot figure was <br />determined Uecause t:hat is the amount that a small. £ire fi.Phting crew <br />can handle with one pumper. <br />P4r. Fahey suF;~;esCed that the matter be taUled [or two ~veelcs. <br />Mr. Krejc:i reported that the I3oat and Motor Mart on Rice Street: i.s <br /> on, and asiced how they are be:ing effected by Appendix G. <br />The City Attorney requested that Mr. Krejci put his questi.ons in writing, <br />as this will heLp when to the State. <br />Mr. Pahey su~gested that the Attorney and I3uildi_ng Offi.cial <br />how the i3oat and Motor Mart are aftected a1so. <br />Mr. Porsberg and Mr.s. Scalze questionect why the adcli.tion to the i3oat and <br />Motor Mart d:id not come be[ore the Counci.l. <br />Mrs. Nardini introduced the f.ollowing resol.ution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. H4-1-4 - TAI3LING ACTION ON <br />TIiE I.ITTL~ CANADA DAY CAi3E ADDITION FOR <br />TWO WPl;KS <br />7'he foregoing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini.~ Scalze, Hanson, Forsberg, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />This r.esolution a~pears i.n Resoluti.on F3oolc N0. 10, Page 11. <br />Ci.ty The Ci.ty recei.ved an of.fer to purchase the C:i.ty lot located on Demont <br />ProperT.y from Mr. Richard Coll.ova. <br />On Demont <br />Mr.s. Scala,e asked how many more ads the City had to run of.feri.n~; the <br />Agenda parcel. f.or sal.e. The Cleric repLi.ed that there caere qui.te a few left. <br />Item 5.1 <br />Mr. Porsberg stated that he Lilced the offer. Mr. Pahey agreed. <br />P4r. L'orsberp, astcecl i.f the house Mr. Collova planned to move on the <br />lot would be brought up t:o code. h]r. Collova replied that it would <br />and that he was i.nformed by the Inspector ~~~hat would be <br />necessary to do it. <br />Page -4- <br />