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CQINtIT'I:S OT' 7'HE P.P:GULAR MPH'CZNG <br />CI9'Y CO[I~7CIL <br />LI'f'Ci,~ CAVADA, MINNI3SOTA <br />Pebr.uary 8, 1984 <br />Pursuant to due cal.1 and not~ice thereof a r~oular meet,ing of tkie <br />Coi.mcil of the Ci.ty of I.,i.ttl.e Canada, T4i.nnesota was held on the <br />~?th day ot Pebruary, 19H4 i_n the Council Chambers of: the City Center <br />].oc~ted aC 515 Li.ttle C~nada Road i.n sai.d Ci.ty. <br />Agenda Mayor M:i.chael rahey the; and caLled i.t to or.der <br />Item No. 1. at 7:30 P.P-i. and Che fol] were present at roll call.: <br />Agenda i4P.,MT~Pt.2S PKESPNT: ActinQ Mayor Mr. Michael Fahey <br />It:em No. ? .Ir. Denni.s PorsUer; <br /> Oounc~i.lo~oman Mrs. P1ugs <br /> Counc~ilwoman PArs. '( Scalze <br /> P1EMI3ERS A13ST?NT: Mayor Mr.. Raymond I{anson <br /> ALSO PRPSEN'C: C:ity Cl.erk Mr. Joseph ChLebectc <br /> Oity ~n~~ineer Mr. Donald C~rley <br /> City Attorney P1r. 'Chomas So~eeney <br /> Secretary tRrs. Kathl.een Glanzer <br />tlpproval A9rs. int:roduced Che fo7.l.owing resoluCi.on and moved i.CS ~dopti.on: <br />Of 'f.he <br />~1inutes RPSOLUTION N0. 84-7-55 - APYROVING <br /> THE MINUTES OP 'CHE JA~UARY 25, 1984 <br />Agenda COUNCTL MF'sPTING <br />Item N0. 3 <br /> 'Che resolut:i.on was dul.y seconded by Mr. Porsberg. <br /> Ayes (4) Nardin:l, Porsberg, Scal.ze, Pahey. <br /> Dlayes (0). <br /> Resolut~i.on decl.ared adopted. <br /> This resolut~i.on appears Resol.uti.on Boolc No. 1.0, P~~ge 63. <br />FraCtalone f9r. Tranlc rrattalone has submi.tted a proposal to the~ Cit_y f:or the exchange <br />Property of a parcel of Ci.Cy proper.ty for a parcel of hi.s propeirty. <br />Exchange <br />.. Mr. Pahey f.e1t that the City should get an appra~isal. of the two pieces <br />Agenda of property. <br />Item No. 4 <br /> A1rs. Nard_ini felt t:hat the matter shoulci be referre<t to the idatershed <br /> to :i.F the City would lose any wr:iter retenti.on abi.].ity. <br /> 'Che Ci.ty Cl.erlc po~i.nted out ChaC the Ci.ty propc:rty w1s des:ignaCed for <br /> ponding purposes. <br />Mrs. Scalze felt that t.he city should not provide for the <br /> parlc for Iree. Scal.ze f.e1C tktat the park shoul.d provide <br />i.ts own poncli_ng. Scalze po~i.ntecl out Chat the Ci.ty does not do thi.s for <br />Pa~;e -1- <br />