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r,rrNt~~~rs <br />c;+~y c~u~,c;.~~ <br />n~>,-; ~ ~ i , L~~H~E <br />Frat;t,~lone ~9r. P'ahey introchiced the resoluki.on and movecl i.ts edopt~ion: <br />L i. f: t. <br />Station J21:SOi,U7'TON V0. £34-4-~170 - DfiLI;'L'SP' ; T?-Ll: <br />(Cont.) t)}7PE42Ri,D ASSIISSHliN'L ON 7'}LE i~12ANt< I~RATT~LONkP. <br /> PROPTil't'CY IPI THP A~100NT OF `yti7_,'700 ANp ASS1:SSiN(: <br /> 'I'tIP ~2,700 AGAINS'I' 7'HIi 10 PtJTURE!; UNITS OU'.C87D)? <br /> T}t~ OVEW,OOtC AD~.TTION IN 'LI9'G ~OR'!! OF A$520 SANT'PARY <br /> 5TiWl:R UPLCI' CHARGR <br />'Che f.oregoino resol.uti_on weis du1~ seconcled by t9rs. <br />Ayes (3) T'ahey, Nardini_, Sca'I.ze. <br />Nayes (2) }.anson, For,ber.g. <br />Resol.uti.on declared eidoptrct. <br />'Chis appears i.n 12eso7.uti.on TSOOk Plo. 11., Ila~e l.H~s. <br />~tessrs. idanson and 1"orsber~ were opposed [o thc reso~lut~,ion because <br />they di.d noC feel Che Euti,~re un~i_t.s i.n t:he area shou]_d be cltar~;e~ <br />$270 additional. and Chat the cost si:~ould be absoebed b9 the generml <br />fun<i. <br />Assessrne.nC Tt~ie I.r~gineer re~orted that the ~ssessment r.eappoeti.onment on the <br />Ileapport:i.onrnent property was a routi_ne matter. <br />Div. No. <br />0585~F9 7'he Cler~c pointed ou t that Che assessment may already hrave been <br /> pai<i, buC the Counc-il must p,o t:hrou~h Ch~~~ procc~dure. <br />Agenda <br />It:em No. 7.6 Mr. Flanson i.ntroducec{ the resolution and movect its adopt9.on: <br />I_2TsSOLIJTION N0, 84-G-1.71. - APPROVIN~ Tbll? <br />,9SiL;SSa1GN"1' REAPPOR'I'IONMF,iV'i:' I70}2 DI\7TSION <br />N0. OSfS549 AND Di~:I.~T"fIDIG THL; DL'PPRRL'D <br />ASSE5SMEN'P IN T}(E AMOilN'L OP $2, 100.00 <br />Th~ resolu[:i.on was du,ty seconded bq t~9r. T'ahey. <br />Ayes (5) Ilanson, i'ahey, l~orsberp,, Scal.ze, <br />~ayes (0). <br />Kesol.uti.on clecl.ared a<loptecl. <br />T'l~ii, resolut~i.on anoears in Resoluti.on Bool: No. 17., Pa~;e 1.£35. <br />Fiatermain The Itn~,ineer reported th~t 4~e planned t:o operi bi_ds on May 11. fior <br />Smurovements tti-is y~ar's oratcr projects and requested Council author~ization <br />& ilomer Co do so. <br />KecCOr <br /> P4~°. 'loner Re ctvc ap~eared }~.f< the Cour~c~i 1 and requested thati ~ <br />~ in <br />~ <br />A~;enda the ~aat~rma;i. n proposed For -~~1-°,-~-ftrea be relocated Coi't'ection <br />th <br />~-y <br />Item No. l7 i.F possibl.e a., it woul.d r.u n througli t~i_s garden axid cause several 8~''~''180 <br /> I.arge trees to be l.ost. <br />Pan,e -1/F- <br />