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h:[NUTTS <br />C~i.t:y Counc:il. <br />Apri7. 11, 1984 <br />Compi.ttcr equi.pment by, i_t: out for bid. <br />(Cont,) <br />~Ars. asl.ced if: leasing the equipment. has been adctrtssed. <br />< stated that tlti.s was a oF Che Ci.ty <br />and re~orted tt~at thi.s will be incl.uded in the bidcling process. <br />P4r. Fahey asice<l abouC CPae nECess:ity of to~o prlnt:crs and 3 to 6 <br />eli.slcette drives. <br />A representative oI Context >ystems poi.nted out that qual.i.Ly oE <br />pri.nters vary between pri.ntcrs fiar word processi.n~; und printers <br />for reporCs. There are combi.nation priilters that can be loolcecl <br />tit. <br />'Che Audi.t:.or stated that. i.C may b~ more r-_conomi_cal. to p w~chase <br />two prinCers than a combi.nati.on pr.i.nter. 'Che Audi.tor also <br />poi.nCed out Cliat by taki_ng bi.ds, the Ci.t:y i.s onl.y committi.n~; <br />~itsel.f to shop. <br />The Auditor su~gesCed that the Ci.ty a16•o take h:i.ds on Che <br />comnut:er. <br />< reported th~it the mi_cro-compui:er has more speed and <br />stora~e space than ~it did a Eew years ago and felt they would be <br />powerful enough to meet the C~ity's needs. <br />r9rs. Scalce poinCed out that a pri.vate business m~i.y;ht ;;et a tax <br />br.ealc on, howevez, the Ci.t;y -is Cax c1o11.ars <br />and should l~iold costs down. <br />Mrs. Scalre i_ntroduced the f.ol.lowing resoluti.on ancl moved ~its adopti.on: <br />2,rSOL1.1T:CON P70. 8~; ~r163 - ACCEPTING 7'HF. <br />Bf!;COMMTiVDA'PIODIS OP CONTGX'L' SYS7'B~IS nSSOCTATk%S <br />AD1D AI?PR.OVIDiG 'CIIE I~IDDING PROCPSS 'CO B]?(,IU ON <br />:~IAY 1, 1984 FII'CH A CHANGL; I~ TH~; 1'iOU:LPt4PNT <br />RECOC1Ml%NPATTON PROVIDLNG POR TWO 'CGR?:[LNALS <br />W~CLti 'CI(E CAPACITY FOR ADDI'CIODIAL 6JFt8N NliCI~,SSAPY <br />7'he ~Fore,n,oing resoli.iti.on ~oas ctuly seconde,d by P~1rs. Nardi.n~i. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Nardini, }~lanson, Pahey, Eorsber;;. <br />Nayes (0). <br />S:e,ol.ution decl.ared adoptcd. <br />This resolution 2ppe~rs i.n Resolut:ion ~3oolc Dio. 17., Ytige 177. <br />Tax Increment N(r. Ke~ith 7,larsCe~d appeared betore the Counc~il. on tl~~e. toplc o:[ t:ax <br />Pinanc,Lng i_ncrement f::i.nancing. ltarstead r.eported that he and Ray MeCulloch <br />are owners of the bai.t store on Ri.ce Street and they would l.i.lce <br />A~;enda to get rid of thc store and bui.l.d someCh~i.n~ betCer f.n Chat area. <br />ICem No. 7 <br />paf>,<., _g_ <br />