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Mrrnrcrs <br />ci.ty council. <br />Apri1 7.1, 1984 <br />Cub Foods Mr. Itool~ie reported Chat Ct.ib wants to move from the Ci.ty as a good <br />(Cont.) nei,~hbor,. <br />i4r. t7oolic requesi:ed that Cub 1>e char,~ed a nominal hoo!<-up char~e <br />~is a iaater connection char~;e ~nd, tFius, the developmen~ of the <br />property co Cl,~e south will. be encouca~ed. <br />Mrs. Scalze i.nformed Mr. Hool.i.e Chat the Ci.ty does not. make money <br />on its water system. The City is not oiit l.ooking fo~- peoplc to <br />add to i.ts sysCem. Therefore, the hoolc-up of: Cuh t:o t:he Ci.ty':> <br />water system does not Che City's t.~x-payer.s. <br />P•1r. Forsberg reported that through the coater connecti.on charge, <br />the Ci.Cy ~a~is to be f.a.i.r to I.i.Ct1e Canad~ t~+xpayers. <br />T}1e Auditor ~ointed out. tPiat onc:e a property connects to w~Cer, <br />the City recei.ves no addi.ti.onal money other Lhan t:hc <br />connecti.on charge. Por properCies tl~e CiCq, such as Cub, <br />the adclition~l tzx bas~ created by the development does not come <br />to La.ttle Cemada. <br />Mr. I~Ioolie st_ated t:hat i.t ~i.s t:he Council'; decisi.on ~it the matter <br />warrants further investi.gatS.on. <br />P9rs. icalz.e poinfed out that i.t is the T.~i.tCle Canad~~ taxpaycr that <br />i.s payi.n~ f:or the Ci.ty's water system. <br />Mr. Hool:i.e stated th~h if there were 12 ndctit~ional. hoolc-ups, this <br />would the Cii:.y's i.ndebtedness on the ,ystem. <br />'Che City Clerl< report:ed Chat once the water connecti.on charge is <br />, the City Te111 turn the watex• on. <br />Thc Ci.ty Clerlc aslced who wil.~l. own t:he water ] <br />Mr. 'Iom Thusson oL Cub stated that i.t was their i_ntention t:hat <br />a£ter Che was i.nsta7.led, t:hey would be for a <br />way to recapCUr.e some of; the costs of the ].ine. Thusson pointe<t <br />out Ck~at fi.ituca users in the area wi_11 need approval of the C:i.ty. <br />Cub i.s aslcir~g that future use~rs zn this area be charged a fee for <br />Che l.ine t:hat Ckie Ci.ty can turn ovcr to Cub. <br />Mrs. Scalze aslced if. T~(apl.ewood has been contact:ed ~bout thi.s. Thusson <br />rEpliecl th~t Mapl.ewood has staCed thtit Cl~ii.s is betu~een Cub and Ltitt:la <br />Canada. <br />P'ahey s~,reed t:Liat new deve7.opers i.n the area wotild 6etiefit by tht: <br />line Cub installed and poi.nted out that rio consi.deration is gi.ven <br />Co thi.s in the connection char~;e< <br />D1r. 9oto statecl that t.he city c1n tal,ce over. the 1~ine and in exchange <br />Pat;e -/- <br />