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P~17 AlU'CP. S <br />c~r,y c~,~„~~1 <br />Apri.l 2i, 1.9~~s <br />erausen ' Pl.nnner pointe<t out tl'~~t the:re i.s a major d~i.fference in <br />Propert~ topo„n,r.aphy f.rom Che 'front of thi.s nroperty to the rear> Also, <br />'i.on Cnere i, a poncl Ln the baclc c~f Lot P.. <br />(Cont.) <br />°h~ S',n<,i.cieer po~inted out: thaY: thmre are no stretets to be ded~icmt~~~el <br />in i:his proposa~l, t:here is jusi: t}ie addition oE two new l.ot li.nes. <br />,P`te Planner ~~oi.nted out that i:he ~,rPiole area has not been c-~valuated <br />in term, of. ac,cc»tali~i.l.ity of ~'~uildinc; ~~ads or drainage. 'Che Planner <br />stated t('iat ~if thE addi.ti_onal ltomes t:o be bu~iJ.t change the drii.nage <br />tl~i.s could cause a problem f.'or thc ~vho~.l.e nei_uhborhood. <br />Mr. i'aF~~y su~;pested. Cna~ tkia~~ e3nginc?er loolc al t:hi.,. Mr. Por>herg <br />sug~~ested that tl~~e division be ~pprovFd conti_ngent upon Che <br />J;n;ineer's rEVi.ew of th~ dr,a~in~ge. <br />?~Yr,. Scalxe pointrd out the drai.nei~;e >ituati.on on Payne Avenue, <br />The Pns;:incer ,tat:eci t~iat hie can ciiec?c out tL~e r,lr~ina4;e. itr, C~x~7.ey <br />stated that the baclc of thi.s prooerty drains 'i.nto e:he 6dater C~?or.l,<s< <br />~4r. rr~ihey f.el.t Chat the City shoi.i~tc1 be abl.c to loolc. at L!~ie <br />,i.tu~t:ion and m~il,ce a decis~i.ori that saves people money. <br />'(7ae Pl.anner >Cated tt~rit Cl:~e s~itu~t~io^ ~i.s an ar.ea one. The Planner <br />a1,o pointecl oi.~t t1~~t is a draina,v,e pond inv<>l.vecl. The <br />Ylanner noi.nted out th~t rhe Qi.ty has no jur~isdicCi_on over Chis <br />drainaye pond and th~is i.s t~ie time Chat tPie City m:is;ht o~ar~t Co <br />net. an easmnent: over this nond. <br />ti(r. 'f~'orsberg stated Chnt the City s}ioul.rl n<~i:. ~ct an F isa~.menC £or <br />the nond, buC perl~~~a~;; should pu(: a storra ,ewer in. <br />ur. F~~?~~ey aslce~l i.f: t:he C:i_ty can do wi.thout. the nl.a[:. The P7.annFr <br />repltied thaC thc i_nf:os~mational. requ~ir~menGS should be. met. <br />?wir,. >calze aslced t4ie cut--off Eor ~ohen a plat is 9'I~e <br />Clerlc rep].ied th~t. over tcao l.ots and a i.s requi_red. 'Che 1''].aeirier <br />po9.nted out that this has been tLe ;~ol.icy of the C;i.Cy. <br />'Che stated th~t hie concern was ior Che ,f:uture of <br />tlie City. 'Chc }'].anner. poi.nter,! out GhaC thc ortl~inanc~~ ~~ <br />plat: ~*ttenever l~roperty i.s di_vi.ded. <br />"~he C1erl< renortErd ChaC f;rom noca on casE~merrt;s for uti and <br />to~~os *,•ri,l1 l~e required on a1.1 subdivi;;ions, <br />`frs< Scalie i_nteoduced. the fol].ow~,ing resoluC:ion a.n<tinoved i.ts adoption <br />Pa,>,e_ _ 1.7.- <br />