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"^~CfSU'Cf?S <br />~ity Council. <br />t~pri.l. 25~ 79£34 <br />R R< S A1rs. 6calzc commenCed thaY it seerned to h~r th~t urheti the C~ity <br />(C;ont.) granted '-: R, S Che buildi.n~ permit f.or tl~e met~il., t:11e <br />c;i.ty rrrii.iested ~ streeC E.asement around th~~; biii.ld.i.n~. Sca].z¢ <br />st~ted that sPie Lelieved t:7ie casement w1s r!edi_cz~t~d and this <br />.i, wl~cre t:hie jtinlced ca~s are ,t-tackF~.d. Scalr.e commented i~.hat <br />thc r.iroprrty i.s not R 2~ S's to staclc cars on. <br />"4r. Pal~ey i.ntroduec~cl the fo7.l.o~.ii_n~ resol.ut::i.on and movcd its adopti.on: <br />RJ?ROI,U'CION ?90. f34-4-194 - DTii)ZCT~I;iG T}1S; C711. C;LI;u.i? <br />A~?D Rl7:fL,D:[~IC I.PISP3C`t'OR 'f0 7`lf'ORP,( 't !L S 9'ITOhip'1']:V8 <br />'C'tinf 9".t^.Y F~ii'? TN 9TO~f~A'CION `)77 T}I!~ ~211TTIAP?C1? AVI) <br />SifO'li,~ At?'Pl~v FqR A CONDI'fIJ~IAT.~ US7 l~Li?~4I'C 1~0;? <br />'f}I'~,IP. OtPCRI.:~);3 STOT~AGI? <br />"L'kir-_ forci; resol.uti.on was du7.y s~conded by D7rs. Sca7.ze. <br />~yes (5) F+ahey, Scal.ze, Ilanson, i~orsber,'r„ <br />i?ayes (0). <br />'Resolutton declar~c.d ad~uted. <br />This resolution al~pears in Resotuci.on ;?ool< No. 1.1, 'Pa~e 2G~. <br />1. In 7.~ 'Che T'lanner poinCed out that Lhe morator~i.un~ on diiptexe s i.n `2-J. areas <br />~'rovisi.on expi.recl on Anri.l ?0. <br />Agcnd.~i ~?rs. Scal.ze. inGroduced. Che P.oll.oori.n~; resoluC~i.ori .xnd moved it, ~a<lopti.on: <br />[t.em ^lo. l2. <br />?~i?SOLIt7'TOV N0. 84-4-'7.R5 - CONTSNI!T.fvG 'fI~IF tOFt#'PORIU^? DN <br />tIiJPL°xisg 1:P] T:2--7. AI:i2~S T~OR <~0 DAYS <br />The foregoin~ resol.iaC~ion was <!u1y seconded bq '4rs. Plardini.. <br />Apec (5) Sca7.ze,, !~?anson, ia}iey, PorsP>ern< <br />?laqes (0). <br />Resolut:ion decl.ared 1do~~>terJ. <br />7'his resolution appe~rs ~.n Resolution ~3ook Dio, 11, P~t~~ 210. <br />T1~e P1.anner po~in~ed out: t)iat f:l~e 1'1.annin~ Comnis,i.on is st,[',I.1 debating <br />the 1 i.n l.0 issi.i~. <br />N(r. I?orsbcrr fe1.t thaZ the Council act on tl~e ~vatt~r. <br />The Ci_ty C].eric su~;geste<t that the Counci.l hold oti.' until the Plann:Cn~ <br />Commiss:ion has Caken acCione 77,Ze Cle,r':c sY_ated that the Commi.,s-i.on i.s <br />de].i.beraLi.n„ t.~ie i.ssue. <br />Kr. Pahey suggested that the PLa.~ni.n~ Comin?ssi~n be r,a¢questa~l to <br />act on the issue at thei_r next mea>tin„ and also con.,~icler th~e issue <br />of tt~ie apartmenC. <br />Pas;e ~-7.~F- <br />