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~~ ( ~'.I!'P V~: S <br />City Counc'i.1 <br />April ?_5, 7.984. <br />Larry Lee ~!r• L~e inlormed the Com~ci7. c'iat_ f:ivc yctArs ~ito the p~ooeet~~ in <br />(Cont,) questi.on was t~x~d at $R00 annual.',I.y. Ihe currexrt ta 7r~s ~ire $l1£3,000 <br />and esG'i.mated t_a;ze5 :F or nezt ye~r r~.ire fi1609000. <br />~4r. I~ee rcporte~d that: the same typF of constri.iction is ~lanned Eor <br />[.he ncw buildings. <br />;~ir. llmn,on commEnCed Chat he £ete -tr,. [~ee h~s done ~a rem~irkrible joi? <br />w:i.k~. h hi.s developmFnt of wk,1-ich ever_~yone can be proud. <br />?nr. T+oisber~,+ :i.ntrocluce~l Che. fol.lowi.n„ resoluti.on and iuoved i_ts adopti.on: <br />?7~, iO,LUTIOFi id0. 3~~-4-7.9-7 - CAT.LIt~lG FOR A 7?IiI~I,IC <br />l-1IA3.tilC OPi i4AY 23, 1934 !\'C £i:00 1?.`~L ON A 1?Rpl?0,`i/\I~ <br />"~'QB A COi~tit;RCIAL~ "nCiL:C'C:C~S DJ^,Vt;L~°~Kf?N'C P:~.TI~;C'C <br />7'U'2SlJ~N'1' 'I'C~ Thl}; S4TNT(J3S0'l'A ~f7J2SCCT.°AL IP7DUS'fitTAl, <br />f)1~71IOP>111,D1'P AC'C AUf:lO~~t:C'IN~, 1"?7; f?tIT~LIC~'C7~N ~)1~ <br />n'~0'['ICki 01+ 7'HT? Ht?,~St:f.NG (~'OR':TON T~TD. Pi207ECT) <br />T1~~ resoluti.on caas dul.y seconfled h>y =-~r.s. i~7ard~i.rri_, <br />Ayes (5) ~'orsber<.;,, Flanson, l~ar~e~, Scal.ze. <br />taayes (0). <br />Re;olut~i.on dcvlar~.d adopted. <br />L1i.s reso7.ution appcars i.n ResoluCion 'Roo?< No, 7.1, Yn~;es 2t2 and '>.13. <br />1984 'Cree ~~1rs. Plned:i.n5. i.ntroduced the folloGai_ng resol.uC~ion and movetl its adoption: <br />Removrzl <br />Concr~.ict: R;~7SC)LIJTIODt V0, 84-4-19° - A~F~PR09TIVG T~~tr~. 1984 <br />. T'Zi ]? R~:N[OVAL CONTRAC'.C "v~t'fi~i PB);CISi~V LAiAJ)SC~'!?T? <br />Fld<l i t.i.on <br />'I'o Th~ 'Phe forego~inp, resoluC~i.on ~aas clul.y seconded hy Mrs. Sc;~l.r,e. <br />A{;e~nda A~c~s (5) ;lard:i.~~i., Scealre, Hanson, FaheY> t'or>ber'c~. <br />Nayes (0). <br />P.esol.ut~ion declared adop[F~d. <br />Tl~i:is reso7ut~i.on apnears :in Resolut:i_on 13ook i~o. 1.~1., Pap.,e 21~s. <br />~'~udoet T1ze City Attorney st~ted that 1FCer revi.c~or SiaLe StatuCe, the Council.'s <br />Poeaer actior~ i_n the 3ucinet ~'ower v~irianee request ~o~s appropriate. 9'lze <br />(Cont.) StatuCe does not say txnythin; about publi_c domai.n. fio~aever, Che <br />street being put in ro~i, not a c~ircuinstance thmC ~aas created by <br />the landowane~r. <br />pa~;e- --76- <br />