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M:CP]UTL'S <br />Ci.ty Counci.l <br />May 9, 19F34 <br />ICimmes The Pngineer presenCed T.he City Council with a plat of St. John's <br />Proposal City in 1Ei56 and a 1954 [tegistered Land Survey. The Engi.neer's <br />conclusi.on was the the County map showing the City property behind <br />Agenda the Kimmes property was i.n error. <br />Item No. 1.7 <br />The Fngineer stated that the Ki.mmes property extends to the Water <br />rnlorks property~ and into it by a couple of Leet. <br />lJp~rading The l;ngineer presented the Council a report for their revi.ew <br />Of City on the of City streeT.s. <br />Streets <br />Ag,enda <br />ICem No. 1£3 <br />Emer;ency P4r. ltanson introduced the foLlo~ving resolution anct moved i.ts adoption: <br />Services <br /> RESOLUTION N0. 84-5-213 - APPROVING THE <br />E~t~RGI;NCY SSRVICPS YLAN POR THP: CITY OP <br />A~;enda LITTLE CANADA <br />Item No. 20 <br />The foregoing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. Fahey. <br />Ayes (5) lianson, Fahey, Scalze, Nar.dini, Porsber~. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopt:ed. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears in ResoluT.ion ~look No. 11, Page 229, <br />Change-Order Mr. Pahey i.ntrocluced the following resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />Canabury <br />Condos 12ESOLUTION N0. 34-5-214 - APPROVING A CI[ANGE- <br />ORD~R IN AN AMOUNT UP 'CO $3 , 500 P'OR TI[E <br />Agenda INSTALLATION OP A CATCIi f3ASIN IDl TAE AR1iA OF <br />Additi.on TIIP CANAI3URY CONDOMIN7UiTS <br />7'he fore~;oing resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. PorsUerg. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, P'orsberg, }{anson,, Scal.ze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared actopted. <br />This resolution appears in ResoLution Boo,c No. 11, Page 230. <br />1Prattalone i1rs. Nardi_ni requested that the Ci.ty Cl.erk send a letter Co the PCA <br />Pi_11in~ on the Prattalone fi.lling operation along the 1i.ries previ.ously discussed <br />in he meeting. <br />Agenda <br />Addi.tion <br />Pap,e -21- <br />