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MznuTrs <br />city Counci.l <br />Y1ay 9, 1984 <br />Append:ir. E C9.ty's legal newspaper and a11 notices are publ.i.shed i.n thaC <br />(Cont. paper. <br />~tr. Pahey introduced the resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RTSOLU'TION N0. 84-5-7_15 - INSTRUCTZNG 'PFIr MAYOR <br />'CO SF,ND A LET'I'ER TO 'CtIE NORTFI SUAURBAN CIIAMBFR <br />OP C0~IMERCE INFORMING TIt~M Tt{AT 'CFdE CITY COUNCSL <br />OP LIT7'LI; CAT]ADA IN VIEid OP PRPVIOUS MI:nTINGS <br />WITH TtIE 13USIN~SS COM~tUNI7'Y, R~SPF.CfPIJLLY DECLIP11iS TO SC}IFDULIi <br />AD]Y PUR7'ItliR MEETINGS ON APPENDIX F <br />The f.ore~;oing resolirtion was duly seconded by ;~fr.s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) I'ahey, Scal.ze, Hanson, Nardini, Forsberg. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoLution decJ.ared aclopted. <br />T}t:is resolution appears i.n Resoluti.on ]3ootc No. 11, Page 231. <br />llosoi.taliz.ation <br />A1rs. Nardin:i aslced the Cl.erk i.f: he lias checlced i.nto hospitali.zati.ort <br />Agenda costs. 7'he CLerlc repl~i.ed that he w~i.ll have this information at the <br />AddiCi.on next Council meeCi.n~;. <br />Ilracly's I,iquor i1rs. Scalze reported that there have been complai.nts that T3rady's <br />L,icense has not been security in thei.r parlcing lot. 'Chis was <br />a stzpulati_on on the ].iquor license. Mrs. Scalze felt that f~rady's <br />Agenda should i~e noti.f.ied that thi.s wi11 be as a condition of <br />Adclition issuance. oL their license i.n July. <br />P]r.s, Scalze i.ntroduced the followinf; resolution and moved iCS adoption: <br />RESOLU7'ION N0. 84-5-216 - INSTRUCTING TI[li CITY <br />CI,ERIC TO NOTIFY IiRADY'S TAAT AS A CONDITION OP <br />ISSUANC~ Or TI~IEIR LIQUOR LICENSE, THAT TIIEY GIIS.L <br />I3E REQUIRCD TO PF20VLDr A SSCURI'CY GUARD IN <br />ACCORDANC& FIITH Tl~l}?. R]'sQUIRPMI:D]T Tc1POS~D ON <br />LAST YEAR' S LIQiJ0I2 LICBNSC <br />The resol.uti.on was duly seconded by Ntr. Pahey. <br />Ayes (4) Scal.ze, F~ahey, Forsberg, <br />Nayes (0). P4r. ll~nson was not present. <br />Resoluti.on decl.ared adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appears i.n Kesoluti.on T3ook No. 11~ Ptif;e 232. <br />Page -23- <br />