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M7:NUTPS <br />City Counci.l. <br />May 9, 19£34 <br />Frosion C4r. Glanzer reported Chat the County has 1.ndi.cated that the erosi.on <br />Problem problem at 71.5 Kel.ler. Parkway i.s 27.% the responsi.bili.ty of. the Couney <br /> and the rest i.s the homeo~aner's problem. <br />Parlcway <br />Mr. L'or,ber~ stated that the Utili.ty DepartmenC wi.11 find out more <br />Agenda about this and wi.ll report back at the nexC meeting. <br />Item No. 24 <br />Mi.ll Road The CLty Clerk r.eported that there ar.e some def.erred assessments <br />Parlc on the Mi.11 Koad Par}c property. There are deterred assessments <br />Assessmen[ on the M.osted property. <br />Agenda Mrs. Scalre expressed concern that chese assessments should have <br />Item No. 26 been brou~;hti to the Cotmci.l.'s attenti.on at tlle the Ci.ty was <br /> for thi.s property. <br />Mr. Tahey suggested that the matter be Cal>led until the Clerlc can <br />determine the exact: assessments and they retate [o. <br />@fr. Fahey introduced the fol].owi.n~; resolution and movect i.ts adopti.on: <br />RSSOLUTTON N0. 8~r-5-21.9 -'CA}3L:ING ACTZON ODi <br />THE MSLL ROAD PARIC DPP~RBED ASSESS24ENT Pi?t~1DTNG <br />A 1'UR'CHPR REPOR.T PROM T}[E CITY CLTRK <br />7'he f:oregoi.n~; resol.uCi.on was dul.y seconded by Mrs. <br />Ayes (5) 1?ahey,, Scalze, Porsber.g, Flanson. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.uti.on declared adoPted. <br />7'his resolut:ion appears in Resolution i3ook No. 11, Page 235e <br />Recreati.on Mrs. Scal.ze repor.ted that ].71 girls have signed up f.or softball, <br />13eport will. make up 12 teams. There are 7 T-ballteams Lor and boys ancl <br /> 8 boys basebaJ.l teams., 7_0 ch i.l.dren have si.gned up for tennis <br />Agenda ].essons. The Recreation Department is Looking for someone to teach <br />Item No. 7_7 tenn~is thi.s year, <br /> The City has recei.ved an esti_mate from Inclustrial Spri.nlclers for <br />Ci.ty the City Center. Esti.mated cost i.s `$9,400 not i.ncl.u< <br />Property, and bring,in; the coater ].ine to the City Centc~~r. <br />Ag,enda Mr. Fahey introduced the f.ol.lo~aing resoLuti.on and move<t its adoption: <br />Item No, ?_8 <br />Page -25- <br />