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MINUTFS <br />C~ity Council. <br />~1ay 9, 1984 <br />Absentee The; resoluti.on was duly seconded by Mr. Porsber~;. <br /> (Cont.) Ayes (5) Pahey, Porsberg, tlanson, Scalze, Nardini.< <br />r7~y~5(o). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appear.s i.n Resol.ution Boolc No. 11, Pa~e 23£3. <br />Business T4r. Pahey reported that he and the City Clerlc wi1.1 be; a <br />Li.censing proposal. together on the issue of busi.ness <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 37. <br /> Mrs. Scal.ze i.nT.roduced the, resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />Vouchers <br />RESOi,U'I'ION ~0. f34-5-223 - ,9PPROVING THP <br />Ag,enda VOitCHFRS <br />Item No. 32 <br />'1'he foregoing resol.ution o~as dul.y seconded by D1r. Ilanson. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, llanson, Forsbrrp.,, Pahey, Nardini.. <br />r]ayes (0). <br />Resolution dec].ared adopted. <br />T'h:is resolution appears in Resol.uti.on T~ook No. 1.1., Page 239. <br />13usi.ness Mrs. Nardini reporCed Chat Vadnai, lieights chart;es y35 Lor a Uusiness <br />Li.censi.n~ license and this covers two inspections by ttie Pire ~tarshall. <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr.s. Scalze point:ed out thaY. some of the Ci.Cy's £ees have not been <br />changed in qui.te some and may not cover the Ci.ty's i.nspecti.on <br />costSe <br />Mr.. Porsberg commented that he was i.n favor o[ a busi.ness reg~i.stration, <br />but not l.i.censinp,. Forsberg stated that he just wanted on <br />record for each business o~haC is in the bus:i.ness <br />The Ci.ty CLerk requested that the busi.nesses be licensed so that i.f <br />there i.s a problem at the business, tl~ li_cense can be revolced. <br />t4r.. Ilanson po:inted otat that some of the Ci.ty's busi.nesses are already <br />licensed. ~rs. Nardini_ felt chat the busi.nesses shouid be licensed <br />rather Chan the procedure a r.egi.stration. <br />Mr. Hanson felt that business should have a check-List of quest:ions <br />to answer, such as i_f. there are hazardous materials on the premises. <br />Page -77- <br />