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M:CNUTICS <br />C:Lty Counci.l <br />Y4~y 7_3, 1.9£34 <br />S[ocl.cness P.PSOLlJTION N0. £34-5-238 - AP4PNDING R[;SOLUTION <br />CUP (Cont;.) N0. 84-5-231 TO Y`i1CI,U1)Is 'I'lIP; APPROVAL T3tiNG <br />CON7'IAIG~DI'f. UPOPI THIi PLANNtiR' S}31,COMN[I'sNDATIONS <br />BliING MFT <br />'Che fore~oi.n~; resol.uti.on was duly seconcled Uy Mr. Porsber~;. <br />Ayes (S) Nardini., Por>laer~, I~ianson, Scal.ze, 1:~ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol,ution declared adopCed. <br />'f.h~i.s resolut;ion appears in Hesolur_i.on 13ook i]o. 1.1, .l,~agc. 253. <br />R:i.ce Gera,e btlqor l~Canson opened the publ.:i.c on Ghe request Lor a condit:i.onal <br />Adcliti.on i.ise permit enade by Charles Rice f,;ox the add-it:i.on to hz.s ~era~;e. <br />Agencla ~4r. T'ahey introduced the resol.ut:i.on and moved i.CS adopt:i.on: <br />Item No< 1.1 <br />R7sS0I,tJTiON ~'0. 8~F-5-?39 - CL,OSI~1G TkIE{ <br />PIIBLIC }tFARTNG OD? TIIt, CONDI'CION9L UST PE12~4IT <br />POR CIIAI3L::5 PICE FOIZ A GARAGti AI)DI7'ION <br />The resolution cvas duly seconded by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (~). ]?ahey, Scal-r.e, Ilanson, Forsbc.rg, Nardini. <br />\ayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adoptect. <br />'I'h[s resoluti.on appears i.n Resol.ution 13oolc No. l.l., 1?age 7_i4. <br />Mrs. Diardini asl.ced if ehe City sho~il.d have drainzi~;e plans on this. <br />'I'he F?l.anner repl.i.ed that as thi.s oras an addition to an exi_>ti.n~; garage, <br />he did not fe~1 i.t w1s necessar.y. <br />r~(rs. Scal.ce ~Lnt:roduced the followi.n~ resolut~ion and moved iCS adopt:ion: <br />RL;SOI.ILCTON N0. 84-5-24~0 - APPROVING THP COND7'CIONAL <br />tJSI; PEP.?~IT.'f. RFQUP57'Fl) 13Y C[iARL£S 72T.CIs F012 A GARAGIi <br />F~DDITION SU~JI3Q' 7'0 CO[QI'LIANCP bdI'fi~i 'I.'1~LE PLANA~PR' S <br />Rt;COP1 ^FiNDATIONS <br />Tlte Eorec;oi.n~; i-eso).ution coas dul.y seconded by NIr. ~POrsberg. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Porsberg, Fahey,l~lanson,< <br />Nayes (0). <br />IZesoluCion declar.ed adopted. <br />'Ch,i.s resoluti.on appe~ir.s in L'oolc Dto. ll, Page 255. <br />Pa~;e -].7_- <br />