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i1INU'Ci;S <br />CiCy Counci.l. <br />May 23, 1984 <br />Drake P'LaC <br />(Cont.) <br />StE60Z,iJ7'ION ~10. S~F-5-230 - CL,OSING THF: PU~3I~iC <br />FIEARING ON 'I'Hti DP.AKE PP~;I,IMT.AiA,RY P1.AT <br />'Che for.egoi.n~; resolution weis ctt~l.y >econded by t4r. Tahey. <br />Ayos (5) Scal.zc, ]?ahey, Hanson,, Forsbcrg. <br />~layes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resolirtion appears in P.esoluti.on .I~oolc No. 11, Page 245. <br />k,rs. Scalze i_ntroduced the following resoluCi.on and moved i.ts adopti.on: <br />i4rs. Sca].ze i.ntroduced Che resol.Lrti.on and moved i.ts adopCi.on: <br />RrSOLL~T:CON N0. 84-5-231 - APPTZOVLD1G THI3 DR[#tti3 <br />P3:2HI~l:MID1ARY k'LAT WITL~I INSTRUC'i.'IOt15 7'14AT tAT 'I.'HP <br />TIMI~.; OP I`I\AL 'PLAT AP]?ROVAI, TI~I£, C:I'CY 13R GIVEDI 'COPOGRAP}C[CAL <br />I,NI)ICA'L~IONS A~lp IJTSI.f'CY EASGMEDiTS <br />'Cerrace. <br />x~i~nr.s <br />r4obi.lehome <br />CourC <br />Garage <br />A~;enda <br />It:em i1o. 3 <br />The forego~i.n~; resoluti.on was clul.y seconded by i4r.. Pahey. <br />Ayes (5) Scal.ze, Fahey, Hemson, 1?orsberg, <br />Nayes (0). <br />12esolaCion declared adopted. <br />This resoluti.on appears i.n Resoluti.on T3oolc No. 11, ,Page 2~f6. <br />Mr. Pahey aslced i.£ a special. resoluCion was needed Co handle the <br />variancE. 'Che Ylanncr. renlied that Chis i.s uncle~rstood in the <br />p1aC approval.. <br />Mr. f~(anson opened Che public on tl~e cond:i.ti.onal use <br />cequesC for constr.uct~i.on oF a garage aC Che Terr.ace Hei.gk~ts Mobi.lehome <br />Court. <br />iir.s, Dlardini commentecl on Che draw,ing of the pr.oposed ;arage and Pelt <br />that a si.Ce plan shoul.ct have been subni.CtecL @1r. Fahey stated that <br />the ~;araf;e coul.d be approved subjecrtv submi_ssion o.i: a si.te plan. <br />t?r>. ~ardini stated Ch~t t:he Iiuilaing InspecCOr saiid that a survey <br />oE the property wi.ll. be needed. Mr. Vi.el.].eus quest:ioned why thi.s <br />was necessary. <br />The Planner replie~ that when the bul:lding pernu.t S.s appli.ed for, <br />a survey will. have t:o be submi.ttecl so that: setbaclcs cz~n be checked. <br />'Pkie Planner st:ated that.: detail.ed plan, are nct rormal.l.y pushed Lor <br />at this t~ime as :iC i.s hancll.ed i.n the b~d.lcLinn permit process. <br />P~ge -8- <br />