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1~f "[ Nj i•p~:,g <br />Ci_ty Council <br />June 1.;, 't9S4~ <br />'fhursday's Mrs< Cosca repor[ed thaL tl~te d~,i.CCi'i i.n t:he <ree~ :is vexy dS.ri:q~ snd <br />Storrri as?ce~d if ~it cou7.c1 be c7.eancd. i~1r. }lanson rep7.a.ed that Che G~i.t:y <br />(Cont.) coulcl conCact the Water-shed abouC Ch~i.s. <br />T4rs, Costa stated t~ut i.t hz~s ?ot:ten to t}ce poi-nt where t1~ey worrq <br />abouC. the <litcl~i overfl.owi_n~ every Ctme it ra~i_ns. <br />`~7r~. i'ahcy re~?orted t.:~iaC tk»re were many areas of thF Ci.ty cv}~ierre <br />p<~opl.e had t1~Fis basements flood. <br />T~tr. Sten~er, Jr. stat:ed tlaat every time i.t: rai.ns, the o~ater <br />get:s hi_~;her, <br />P7r. Steng;er agai.n commented on tne si.ce, ot' C'.ie cul.vEtrt ~inder cl~e <br />freeway< '~?r> f~orsberg repli.ed l.h~t ~t.f the culvert had br,en Larc;E:r, <br />thie people i.n t_he trailer c<»zrt would h,sve I,~een ELooded worse thsin <br />they were. <br />~(r. f~lanson state~d t~~~at they will noti.Cy tl'ie Tdatcrskied and Coi~nt:y. <br />SdesClund Mir, Carl.ey reported that }te spolce w~ith ~~[r. Cdestl.i.ind on Ctie swail <br />"1atCer matter and ~destlund hras i_ndicaCed tYiaC he fixed the s~oail.. 'Cl~~e <br /> T:nn-in~er re.nortec9 that he loolcecl at the swai,l today tm<I ~it wa, not <br />Agenda f.ixed. Mr . Carley thia~n tri.ed Co ca~l.l Nir< <destlund, but coulcl noi; <br />7t~ro No, 7 rauch h:im, CAr, Carley wi.l.l follo w through on Ctie ma tter. <br />Mrs. Scalzc s~ated Chat t~irs. ??d~;ertC informed hnr thaC tl~e 1?n~ineex• <br />sa~,i.d. the s~uai_i wp<.; ,~r,3ded. Mr. Car1~-~y ropl.i.ed that:. Clri_s ~aas noC <br />Crue. <br />Che 13ngi.neer reporCed tkiat tl~ere :i.s ,i 2~ri.nch pi_pe near the Hoffman <br />house wi_th sometl~-ing bl.odcinb i.t. Water w~s up i_nto Che <br />I~lc~stlund Addi.Ci.on, <br />C-tr. Pa,?~ey reZ~ort:ed tY~at the k~omec~wners i.n CJ:ie ~isea havc cle~ined Che <br />citl.verC and the water is now Fl.o~vinp H-ne. <br />F1r. Fakiey reported tl~i2t t:k~e water in t.k~e di.tch near his house :i.s <br />higher. in recent years th~n past: ones and Pahey :[e'1t: thi.s was due <br />to drvel.opmenC ~in the area. <br />Yoelct.on i4r, Hanson reported that Che Png,i.neer i.n~iormed lii_m thaC i-t is not <br />IndusCrial uncommon to rough t;r~de an entire tract of: l.and, Flanson a~lso re~>oeted <br />P~rlc tnat_ the ne,w code <loes not addr<~ss excavati.on and tFie old cocle di.d. <br />Aflenda Nlrs, Nard~i.ni_ asiced iS the old ord:i.nanc~~ would SLill. be 1.n effecC for <br />ICem No< £3 ~~xcavaCion. <br />PaF;<'- -10-- <br />