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?~~I::yfJ'CiY. i <br />Ci_ty Council. <br />Tune. 2%, 1934 <br />eY Ca're <br />'ost 'r. 7'ahEay ,ugf,e.~;tod t.!'iaL Che GiC~7 ~Ct:orun~ rco~ord the (;iP_q's <br />. <br />+' or~i:i_nanc~a so chaC care i_n ".- l ,arez~> is 1~ini_ted to tlinse. <br /> =o~it:h norma l relal i.onships. <br />A < uda <br />~ <br />23 <br />'''a~~c <br />'~ <br />introc'uce:l the <br />follo~oi.i~; <br />reso?ttt.i.on an<.l ~nov <br />c~l its adc~pt;on: <br />(t~,n~ <br />?o. y <br />. <br /> ' ~;SOr 11'~(;1,'~ '~ r). 84-6-2`J3 - ;)[r';C,"~~7n,~ r,}; (I T'PY <br /> /1'Cf'ORVI;y 'f) iA't,~~ Iti~? CUI?1'rnl"I' ~)RL"1'V~~CW: RT"niZDT^'C <br /> '~[?6' 1' (.AP.G 4G?T.,~TI1.5 [A~iD T 1 [TYlnl: I~ r.S6 ZI`CC1.~7~'P"C'~SS <br /> ~ro ~~~osi; r.,zr ~ r~~~,,inr~ ~~n~r~~z,tnr ~ar.:~,~~~r,~,~~;~~~I n> i~t ~~-t <br />~,?rns sc~ rn~t f~s t,rcnr,7;r rosrs[5[,r~; <br />'fhe. f'orc ,o:i.n;~ re,solution ~.~~; duly seconde.d b~ ?:.t s. Sca',lze~. <br />Ayc ,( ri~ ''.?hey, Sc~~.l~e, `lenson, ' or ,ber~„ Narcii.n-i_, <br />i`;.'tyes (0), <br />lZ~;;ol.uCi_on decl~ired ~idopC¢d. <br />'Cl~i-; resoluti_on ~~pt~eair:s ~_n ;~esoi.ut-io~ Uooi; No. II., 'PagF. 314. <br />; :?rs, Scilze. i.ntroducecl thc r~-~so1_ut~i_on and rnovc.d tidontion: <br />qoiiciiers <br /> ;>}.;SnLU'C:LO~~i ?0. 8~~,-6-2gq - n~~~~~dOg-C~c ~?'~!l'; <br />~ <br />n;Fna,, v^,ttc'~x~,~~s <br />7.Lem No. 2!s <br /> '!'l~i~~ forc ;oi_n„ resolut.ion ~~ia , dul.y secondecl by 'Ir. 1-t~~.nsun. <br /> nyes (5) ?al,c~~, ,iar~;on, Sccil•r.e, ~Aard~ini, i~orsP~~s~. <br /> nay~s (0). <br /> Rcso7.uCion dectared adonted. <br /> Cl~iis resol.uti.on ~.npc~.z's ~~n '~esolut:i.on ;oolc ;do. 11, t'af,e "3L5, <br />~anad~iart Counc~il ~~ad d~iscu5sion ~< ;ardin, t~ir_ ~roner, chtinnels Ior Ceinad, <br />~ <br />i)ays It was t.he conce_nsus ~[ Cl1e <br />nays' rcqi.iest of use oF ;~?oonei. "ax~ic. <br /> Council thrtt J~r~ "oreJtan, as t~ie Ci_t:y's ~arlcs anc! Peci"eaCion ni.t'ector', <br />n~~en~{~ -is i.i2 chlr-;>,e o,P Ci.[-y narlcs. "P4cr~~fore~ t,i>e~ oF t.~e }'~ai-1 s~iould Sc <br />`tc+n ~?o. 25 coordina[~~d `~y,~sr. ?rtor' <br />'.~zr'ncr~ask:i "~i., ilanson noi.aCed c~i~t ~'ital the Ci_ty scY ~°ix'. '! nr~oors'ct' . se~~ar~~ f.or. <br />fi~a~l.~ic'y ,~, revi.<ar :'n si,e n,onths IC ~is rlo:t t4.i*_ie ior l~.nis rev~i_ecr, <br />1Z e~~ i. e~a <br /> ?~ 'i'a,~E ~ u~Y,< ;tecl th~~t i,ir. 9. arno~,rs?ci ,n,~ive Che, Courici 1. Soi?,,4~ inFor-. <br />~1y;end.~ mat:ion as to the nuinbex ot ~neet .nn,s he ~is att~n',iizn. <br />~ _ <br />Ite~~n ?Jo. 7C~ <br /> .`r, P~~.hey introriuc.ed the Eol.lo,.*in; reasotul.~i_o~ ~inr1 ciove,l iCS adonti.ons <br /> ~i,q?d,!'CTON i:~0. H4-5-~300 - J'A'3i,IPl~ ~ACxION 0'~' <br /> 'f?~!' TAi~:~~r,r T. Si`,.L!~PY tSt/T~ r o~in;P,['?~r; ;~7tn~fHliR <br /> 7,sr~1R?,?A'f f D~a <br />~ott;c_. ~.7 <br />