q.r-f p.:.U'f'~~S
<br />Ci_Cy Coi,mcil
<br />July it, 1`!34.
<br />SiS;ng -.r;o ?,~ird=.n~i introPucrr! i.iie fol.~<<~a!_nj> r~.~sp1.uC-i.on and. mov~d -its .~~'o}~ti-on:
<br />(Con[:.)
<br />~~.Spr f"i~~n?1 T~~ ^,t,,. I--',7.0 - DI~ t"fT:~c , ~~; ~T~r•,,
<br />~T,A;~ '; ~j n ~n~ r L'n .V "'''~? ;TC ' ) :71'tn q i-~ `.71`f~r
<br />(;~)".~ C'C(~)~!`i A.i 4 t~~q i f;~) ":=0~ ' qC~pdr r ~r')A! "'0
<br />~~~~.,'1.!~~. <JD;ri~;7f,, PO 1"!:(l~in'f,
<br />i.nc~ coc-e.o~n~; x•esoluY_ion was duly ,eaconcc~l by'-'r.;. ;;calz~c>
<br />~.yc.s :~) F~~inso~, `;cal.e, ~~nx'di.i~~, ~~aheY, ~lorsoer;,.
<br />.:a,; ~~,, ;'%) ,
<br />,esotuti~~n derlrire~d ado~;>Ced,
<br />~i._s r~~so7.uCi.on ~iu>ears i~~ ~~E~~solnlion ~'>oo'_'~lo. lf, 7tnr,e 377,
<br />{cll.y r'. 77ans.or con~rn~nt.a~c~. tnet no Coiinc:i.7 acl.ion ~e ~'equi.re~~ For P.he.
<br />~'rc>?osal. `Ccl.ly (~rnposal for C;enC<~rv' L1_e ~:nad.
<br />A~,en~la
<br />:I~.t~ara 270. 1.0
<br />~~~Ik,ns 1`ie "larr;ier sun~ iif~.erl to fhe Gou,~c']. f.oi- t:Jlei.r rnP~,~rmat.i.on a
<br />'Cont.~ ltandout ou free ,tttncl~in i_;ns Ih.~.t uri11 he gi.ven Co tm~ ~I~vel.oj~er
<br />o)~ z~ b!u'_rirzg t i~i[ ::,i ll ~~ave ~~i?~ts.
<br />Counci'l ~o~ivli.~~ic~ited t.:hc P1e!nnrnr on T.?i~s 12ttndout.
<br />~~zlffUlp I~~g ~1.E111CiC_C' YP.UOYL Q.r1. Cf1 L :':l:'. :;t,t"1C1C O( iP.F1ID A~/OlltlP. AJ.1RLS LO `J~I~ilcl
<br />\ct,essc~ry i stora;e~ ~~uil.c]Lng ori his LoC ". Lot 4 ~ias no t'~~ad accc.ss and
<br />,uil.d:in•; ^o oli~i~~r bi~ild~i.n;s e 'I'i,~rn Core, ,~.~rlc-r i ne ord~!u-~ncc an -icc.e,soxy
<br /> ni~ildin~; ~is noC .~l lcx~iec- ,s the >> .nCinl ~~ t~ui7.d~~ ln, on <'i loC.
<br />A;end.2 ~
<br />^c~'~I.tion 'ic t''Lanu~•r rcyorted thac ',~ti'
<br />oi'~e~e 1nP. to put Che sto~.ts;o.
<br />ias t~he option n` cornl~:intnz
<br />ta~c acc~esso~ry I~~uildi.nt~ ,-,~ould
<br />pt:operty,
<br />~`. Andcr ht> enoug~ ~>rooe'rCy on fii.>
<br />biiildin, on C1'iat 1~t, t~r. ~3unde ALso
<br />~or ~3 wi.Cii his o~.:h~r ].nt, ~u~i~l, C4i~~et~ore,
<br />iiot bc C~~ie ~cincipic n~ii.l~li~~n on thc
<br />~.r. t.lun.on :~.sl:e~l i_E a vlri.ance ~ot~ld 'n ;,ranted ~in c.,h~i _ case. 9'he
<br />^1~u~ne~.. ~~oi_riC:F,>.ri out that '~r. ;;unue would liavie Lo [;l.e ,iii n=~p7.icaCiori
<br />Eor a vari.eiace. arid caou] 1 i~:t~ie~. t.o pr'o+~e o hc~r~is~~i.~ e;~i.'.~t-° "~'Le
<br />'1.cirncr_ d~.ir( not tiii.nk n 1~ trds`.~i~~ rouid bc~ proved.
<br />'(r. I':tFt~) ti(as:c,sl:ed that t~e V1(vmcA~' 6icivttip'?r. i;ancle. t~~~~L I~ie ~~nu5t
<br />co~~.tp1.y riitli co<.e liirf ariv~i_se hi. o( h:~.s opC~i.ons un~:ler ine co~le.
<br />~~.,~n~> --15-
<br />