, !i~a!u~r:~;s
<br />Ci.C}~ G~,~unc~i_~I.
<br />Ju1y ll, 1~32(+
<br />`:cnta'1 ':ehetb fnc f~orc'>oi.n~; re~soluti_on was du'ly s~~conded 1,~y Idr ;lansori>
<br />io{rai*! A~F,s i5) "i,~ey, ~.*insor„ ar-;i.na, ~cal.zt, i~orslanc,;,
<br />{Cont.) ~?aycs ~0). .
<br />Rc~;oluCi.on c!ecl.aeed r:dopC.ed.
<br />Thi.5 r.eso:LuC{on trn~~ars ~n ?:csoluCi.oa rool: +zfo. Il, ''aga. ~33,
<br />A~,pro~~rin~> `(rs. Sc~lre ~.'nCroduced i'i:~ fo1.7o~*'i~;; xresoli~[_:o~~ ~ind movcd ~i_ts t:':o~~t_ion:
<br />';'l~e
<br />vnuchcr's '3S~1 "'~,fpV' '~'0. ?~Ea-~7-317 -- i '~"rIV~LAiG
<br />7'ilT'~ VOtIC?l'i?.'S -`---
<br />\r,~„~~la
<br />U~~~i i~oe ;il. 'f'~e~ fori:.o~in? r.e~,oluCion ,ras rli.i'ly sr,.cou~~e,•! bv '~ ~, ~qerdini.
<br />t~~~.s :5) ~<~n.'Lze, ';~~rdi_ni_, ';'ocsb~ i „ '~~z'icy~ iit~nson.
<br />ar.iy;:•.., !;1).
<br />~'o,o'tuti~~n c!er.l.~r~~d ~idoi~Ced.
<br />l.hi.s resoluCi.on ~,~cars in 3e,~~i~.~tion ~'cok ;"do. tl, ?zi~;e ;34-,
<br />[#:ir "~e CiCy Clee?c re.nortccl ( 4!aC Che ai r c~~n li.t.i_on~~i at. i_i1c Ci l.y CenCee
<br />C'oir!it~i.on~~.r iccris -i~a a-i.r c~n~ icss~i i'epa-i.rc'. ;sti inCe.d c<~~;C ~is :~"~ 00 t:a ';1,00~.
<br />~,;cncia ~~,. >c,it:<~ ini.~o~,iced I~e ~0l_1o~~ri.n.:°, r~sol.uCi_on n~u, raoye cl its ~~~'opt.i.one
<br />rc~r;;, ,o. s2
<br /> ??r±<qf~r~I_0~;' :'). °[~-7-;1.i - A "CJp:['i~ !~JiS
<br /> =;1?P V 1 , i7H ~ V'1': ( 1 > f{S C/) I ° 'C'? ~ " ~~'i `Z
<br /> ;P:;~ ~ ,'. AT'~ ~C?'TO ? .1'I' ~,`~ Al'ug.0.!I `~7'1':
<br /> G;,p ~ .,;~,r, .Pn r ~~i;n ;1,On0
<br /> '~',.e 1'or.<~~~~in~; rc:sol.utiori caas duly s~:,co,~ded '~~ 'ir~ "a?~e~~.
<br /> t\ycs (5~ 7~~il.zt~, ?ah¢Y, orsber;, T!arrlin;_~ lEanson.
<br /> i4a~res (O1 e
<br /> r?eso7.o.tion d~cl.c~red tadonP.,~.d.
<br /> f~1.5 S'~yO.~lIC1.0~'i ~~)~l<',IdC£ lll T:P.SO~U(:1Ji1 ~00.:. ~O. ~ ~~ ~Cl(.~G 3~.`J>
<br /> f5, ~`~2 C~L1'll_ :JOLOCP.[~ Olit C~1F CO[YC.SY)Oll~~('.I1CC TC',('C'7.VCC~ ~Jy CEi@ O'tl.y
<br />i~~LCt1c ~:anarla
<br />~ '
<br /> on the f,' Ct:l.e C~inni a 1»1 ~,rcep~COr L~i ne.
<br />Iul~rCenLOr
<br />, Counc.il tated i i~C ic nr~^Lenre~~. to di c.u s tl~i 5 nat[Er oiP thc~
<br />a y,
<br />nuri
<br />r~•coxcl 5nou~ltt I~ii• ~~e l~e , ny PuCur r 1 ~;ra I 1c_tic*_t h~~ L'he G i.
<br />Cy,
<br />~ •1 i Cio~1 ~
<br />.~,d~iourn r., n~~r~l~,~i. inla~~ducc-rl (!~x:~ foltovi_ns, r~solution zmd ~,ov ed -i1s, ailopCi.ott:
<br />: n~;en<~s~i 'RF~~tr`rZr;ry ~,. ')r,_~p_.<i1.9 _ vn.rrn~rzlvlilr
<br />Ttc~i ~hlo. 31 - ._._ _
<br />p.~.,~ ._?>....
<br />