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., ~,.~nPl'I; i <br />Citj Cout7C~i_1. <br />July 1.1, 1~£3!. <br />':yan `rr, 'lanson :x„recd. <br />LC1JU8 ~:t:'].31 <br />'„atc iCont.) 'r,. Aardin:i. I~~ointeil out P.1~at_ there a.r~ ;tipposed to he o-i.lss areas, <br />curb~in;, ,crecninn, ~~ sto~_~gc ~i.n f:~~c r~arlc. 7'I~ie,e thin;s are. 1~c~inr <br /> ~~I nezrr tleve'Lop~,rs, <br />'.r,. 6ca].ze ,,>oi.nt:e.d out ihait t.lte Counctl doe> not hesiCate to pu7.7. <br />ouC Ci1e si.te nlan on oCkier d.evelo~ers a~ud de;nanc,I C.hac ~i.t be ioll.owcci> <br />~ i~enioer ot; the nucl~iencr ~s;lced i_'i l~~e n~~~<lcad a~:ond:i.i:ional use pc.r;u~i.t: <br />t:o :ttor< <la~iaz'i_mc uni.ts on n~i.s nroJ~e.rt}. 1`'~ird:ini_ replicd. Cti,al he~- cii_d <br />.I thi.s ~a, Cne u;e o~ liis y~rci. 'Chn party rE~pti.ed ChaC <br />hr i:e1t Cl~at tkure are. too i~iam/ ~rrmit; required. <br />'C~ie~ P1z~mi~r sCtitc~~_I that_ in o'r(ler ~:~> ~~void the <'o~idi.t~i_o~n~l t:se ,x~rn~i.t, <br />tlte uni.te co~ild ~~c ,torcd i.n t,~c <br />'~fi-, iltin,o,i `c;l.t t1'iat ei[~ter t:tae ~>n xve><cs ha~~c ~;orte [luou;,h Che <br />or<l4.nance ~ iocn~~l ,nop shoul.d bc ,cl: un t'or- Ghezn tc~ .!~eC[h tl-ie. <br />Counc~i_l. I~[anso~i pointed our Cl~il v,dicn Cnc orrlin~ince c~~~~s adont<~cl~ <br />Che Coi.u~ai.l. ~aas ,oi.n„ t.~ron;;kt i~ nms o[ vn~~ex~ tind cl~~e C~>unci.l. Cnrou~;ti <br />II;e or<linance )oo c~~i ;ooct. 110o~evcr, ct~re ?~~as no nratr,t.ir_al np;~l.i.ctii:i.on <br />Vf` Ci,c orcll.nancc Jzt CLeze t~-me. <br />'CiGC Cl.erlc point~.ed ouC t~.ti: Che ordi.nanc,e was ac~opCed i.r~ 1.9f7.. t~l;s, <br />; po~i.r~Ced ~>ut i.ha~ bc[or~. tn~i.s p~'.~1[. i:!~e (,-i.ty ha~~ .ino~_hE,r. <br />o~di.nun~e 'in cffect: ~:*It,ich coveicd tn~any of the i~e Ch:Lnqs. <br />`r, l~o:e~ ix~,-; [e1t thaC ot~.l~icr t.ndiisCrial ~,:tr;cs ~_~i the C;ity shou7.d ~iJso <br />Lavn- Ch~ oppoi:~9:.iniiC~ to ~l.oa: at tl~~e or~finance and co;'r.nent on :i.(:. <br />.~r-s. Ec~l.r,e stNt~~i thaC L~1~e Ci.tJ coanCed P_o ta!cc ca.r.e o~ lhe E7a;r2nt <br />vio'L~C~i.ons i.n C~e psu-1<. ;(i~s. Sc~~tz~ poinCr~d out, Chat: i ze Ci.C~~ nas <br />r~~~cenLl.~ talke'd Co `: & S abo~iC. thei..r o~ the or~iinan<.e tzs <br />~ve~ll as oi:hic.r b~~.s.i.nes,~s i.n, <br />~i~-. l;.an~.on ,Cated [.?ztic ~iGe C~i_ty ~,ri_7-1 ~;ive a17. l~7ki1.: in~lii,L.rr~i.a1 i.~;ers <br />a copy oP tl~E; ordin~lnce. <br />~ , <br />Ta~ey i~c~m.~nc~~u C~ie aucLe.nce tAi<~t ~;h. ~at t~i<r ~ou;~ vote; c>x l:~`~e C,ount.i.l. <br />to cl~ans?F the ar~di.nance. <br />t uley Si aCerl. Y:J~i iC ~:te €iet;s C1~ic i~ ~1~i_n~; f Snt ti~e bu ~~iltfts ~ ~~ coEtnC no <br />rc;, ~in t~ p<~rl;, nnd c~ant co pol~i_<.e [~ie ~sclv~s. I~ahc.y ;t.~,l~.ed <br />l-iaC hc Cerls t`i-cre ,i.s ~i need Por ovts~<t_ ,toru~c, i~ut ;~c7.t th~ quEZStion <br />i.. cvhen ~i.t :;l,iould he r~~~ii~_red aan~l when .<~nci.nU ,hou7.d noC, T'a'iey sCaY:ed <br />L1iaC tae r!.i~l noi ~~~rce vi-Lh scr<<~n~i_ng nround semis. <br />'Sr. 1-to7. i aslcc<t i.f Clie C~.t~ htas a l.i.sC. o ~sneci.~ i_c viol ~.iC:i.ons i~i tF~e <br />Parl~, ;ca.lrr,, rculied i;liaC ~i.t di.d cot. 'Cazih x'tf~~er tnan poi.nt ~~n;,ers <br />t.ti~e C:it~ rani_eci Co i.nvitn C}ie>se, ~in I:o c.:i..cus~ t~tis. <br />,>,y,.~~, _!,_. <br />